• Member Since 14th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Rescue Sunstreak

Rescue Sunstreak at your service.

More Blog Posts62

  • 50 weeks
    EFNW i am here!

    Feel free to drop into the twilights reading room. I will likely be the big guy running the A/V system.

    Say hello, stay for the events, dare to compete in the Iron author competition!

    2 comments · 103 views
  • 71 weeks
    Chapter done

    Yes, after almost a year (very sorry about that folks). the next chapter is done! I am just trying to get it edited up, before I post it.

    Fear not, I have already started the next one too.

    3 comments · 268 views
  • 76 weeks
    Yes, Yes Celestia, you are.

    I have nothing to add...

    1 comments · 196 views
  • 78 weeks
    Editors needed

    Hey all,

    I am in need of a few editors, if anyone can make a recommendation I would appreciate it.

    That said I am 2500 words into the next chapter, and plugging away, the muse has found me again!

    2 comments · 215 views
  • 81 weeks
    RIP Ken Block

    Today, those of us in the automotive community lost one of the greats. My heart goes out to his wife and 3 kids, along with all his friends in the rally and performance community. Ken you may have gone over to team Ford, but you will always be team Subaru to us.

    0 comments · 113 views

OMG COVER ART!!!!!!!!!!!! · 12:38am Oct 1st, 2019

I want to give a massive shot out to Turnipberry Who did this wonderful cover (on commission from me)

All, I present you with Ranger Shane McDonald, Applejack, and Sgt Cortland Apple.
(image may not show here, it is huge! https://bit.ly/2n53zL7)

Report Rescue Sunstreak · 375 views · Story: Ranger · #Ranger!
Comments ( 5 )

That is a perfect picture for this story.

The way she captured Cortland, like she reached into my head and pulled the image out. I was blown away by it, because I gave her a ton of leeway and said "do what you want" having only told her how tall he is, unicorn, and his color.

That's cool dude.

WOW that is absolutely epic

Completely awesome. Just about how I envisioned Shane. Very Sam Elliott-ish.

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