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Disney admits they royally screwed up Star Wars- that they betrayed and lied to Lucas about treating the franchise with respect · 5:22am Sep 24th, 2019

anyone else thinking that Lucas should buy the franchise back?

Report monsterlord18 · 227 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

"What a surprise!" Said no Star Wars fan.

Wait, I'm confused.
Lucas didn't like The Force Awakens, that was apparent a while ago.
Why is this only up in the air now?

because it was all hush hush until Ego Iger published his own Autobiography. and this details new info, such as they lied right to his face about treating the franchise with respect, nor did they even try to use his own sequel ideas because it wasn't PC/SJW enough.

Yeah but...that was a while ago.
Disney said that they weren't going to use Lucas's original ideas. As early as 2015.
I'm not saying it wasn't wrong (Although I don't know what those ideas were and how well they would have done) but why now?

I mean, if I didn't know better, I'd say this was only being put up because of the hype for the next movie.
Yes, Star Wars might be 'failing' but considering the last official movie out of two caused some backlash with the fanbase and the last spin-off out of two clashed with its own company's movies releases in the theatres, I thought that was already apparent.
Why are people treating it like this is the biggest scandal since Watergate? It's already been established, surely.

I worry that this is only put up to stop people supporting the next film.
Which seems a bit mislaid.

i.... hadn't thought of that.

This is the big problem with how people are reacting to modern sensationalist media in regards to big business.
It's just screaming and screaming and screaming.
And in the end, it'll defeat itself because people will just believe anything about these companies so much that their word will be taken as unverified by default, meaning that these companies will be able to get away with more because people simply won't react to what they hear. They'll have become desensitised to scandal and thus won't care.

I realise that big companies ownership over franchises is a big concern nowadays (Though frankly, I don't think Disney is the worst. At least they're doing something with what they have. Times were companies could just hold onto movie rights for years without action and then churn out something awful at the very peak. See Phelous's reviews for the Living Dead and Hellraiser Franchise) but it's up to us to be rational about it.
If we all act like angry, screaming, scandal-hungry maniacs...that's how they'll treat us.
And really, what place is there for people like that?

you've got a point there.

and FYI, Disney is pretty bad. they don't pay their workers a decent wage- some have to live out of their cars because they don't get paid enough to live.

I have heard of that but where is that? Who is responsible for that? Who do you take that complaint to? Who are these people? What do they spend their money on? How did that come to be?
There's more to it than just throwing it up in the air for people to rage about.
Getting in a state about it doesn't help them. If people don't support Disney as a result of this news coming out, you know who's going to get in the neck first?
The people already being paid the least.
These things need care which is something the people collecting this quote-information-unquote are not showing. They're just yelling with no regards to the reaction and shoving scandal in our faces until we get bored and turn away with dismissal. They preach for an all-round rebellion in a situation that requires assembly and organised solving of this problem. In a situation where people need to get together and get the facts straight, they pile on more speculation and cause more tension between those involved.
Disney are well within their rights to offer their own reasons, however credible they may be, but if this goes on, it won't matter. The people watching these videos will just confine themselves and grumble about a problem that neither side are interested in solving.

Abigail Disney, the heiress to the Disney fortune went undercover to see how they worked and the working conditions are horrible.

While I agree with most of your sentiment on the subject, (especially about it being up to us to be rational about such things), the sad truth is we live in an Outrage and Cancel culture. People are real quick to knee jerk at any story they see on the media, especially if it goes against their political beliefs or if it isn't PC/ woke enough.

Sadly it seems fewer and fewer people even bother to fact check any story these days and go straight to calling for boycott/cancellation of said company or shows.

Me personally, I stopped caring about Star Wars after the Phantom Menace.

Where? When? Why?
This isn't a be-all and end-all matter.
I'm not saying Disney aren't doing some shady stuff, I'm saying this form of scandal-searching isn't helping.
If Disney aren't treating their workers well, that's a serious issue. But the way people are going about it, throwing the news around and getting in a state, isn't going to solve anything.
This whole 'Online Rebellion Against Big Business' is completely counter-intuitive because it encourages a form of social segregation that means no two sides can effectively come to agreement.
If Disney aren't treating their workers well, they need to be spoken to about it, shown a better alternative and convinced to take it. Simple reasoning.
No-one likes being told they're horrible people who don't deserve their money. That's not going to solve anything, only widen the gap between worker and employer and worsen the situation of the former. If we're going to change this situation, solving it at its source, we must hear the argument from both sides and come to an agreement.
The way this sensationalist media works, no two sides will believe the other's complaints and won't want to hear anyone else's opinions and eventually society will reach a situation where one can only change the way business is run through spending money. Which will benefit who?
The corporate giants.

These online news videos try to appeal to the young, artistic, working class but ultimately enable the corporations to do as they please.
These videos and those who make them are, in the end, becoming the very thing they accuse the Disney remakes and Star Wars films of being.
Sitting up on a podium, trying to look pretty and grab people's attention while not really doing anything.

It's not going to change unless people look up, take a breath, get both parties together and decide what's to be done.
Otherwise, we'll have shot ourselves in the foot big-time.
Trends, cultures and manias come and go (I've been through a few, young as I am) but now, with so much going on with so much contested opinions, it's important to keep a level head and not become the very same attention-grabbing, reference-spouting, money-dependent plague upon the franchise they accuse the new hand behind the wheel of being.
It's completely counter-intuitive.

Well said. Wish more people thought like that

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