• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2022


"NOW MAKE THEM KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" | I love my daddy Snow | I am shipping trash | might follow u 4 SunLight pics

More Blog Posts759

  • 245 weeks
    my last blog.

    yes, I know. I have a bunch of blogs titled "my last blog" and I still made blogs. oh well, I promise you, this will be my last one. over this past year, almost all of my friends on here don't go on here anymore. I log onto discord and am alwwaaysss on there...even tho I only talk to Snow and Pyra. MLP is over. the last EQG special has aired (it was garbage trash in my opinion but

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    7 comments · 414 views
  • 255 weeks
    back from the dead again

    just wanted to log on and say

    this video is disgusting and should be deleted immediately

    ok bye

    3 comments · 324 views
  • 263 weeks

    if anyone wants to add me and has a switch, add me:

    friend code: 0879-5218-3976

    2 comments · 328 views
  • 263 weeks
    back from the dead if you remember me lol

    eyy I'm back! I'm not really gonna post much but I'll be on here from time to time.

    8 comments · 346 views
  • 292 weeks
    um hello


    even tho no one cares but

    sooo...I got a car in November annnnddddd

    I got into a car accident. my car was totaled. sooo I dont have a car and I hate driving now.

    but cars can be replaced, I cant so Im grateful im okay

    okay bye bye now seee u for another life update in 2019

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    2 comments · 290 views

back from the dead if you remember me lol · 4:32am Jul 9th, 2019

eyy I'm back! I'm not really gonna post much but I'll be on here from time to time.

Report sunbuttsparkle · 346 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Woomy! I'm so glad you came back to see what's going on, I missed you believe it or not...probably don't know me either so this is now awkward. Still missed you though.

I do! Welcome back pony person!

How could I forget my favorite SunLight Shipper?! :raritywink:
Good to hear from ya Sun! 🌞

lol its okay its not awkward

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