• Member Since 10th Mar, 2018
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Equestrian Defender

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Equestrian way!

More Blog Posts37

  • 64 weeks

    Yes folks, after almost 2 years, I am back.

    I am so sorry for being gone so long. I've said before I've had issues with real life, my mental health, and with my interests constantly changing.

    And frankly... well, there's no other way to say it.

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    24 comments · 382 views
  • 165 weeks
    My Apologies.

    Look, I'm sorry I haven't been on in a long while.

    The truth is, Real Life has constantly been getting in the way of me being on my laptop. First we lost wi-fi for about a month (Thanks, Centurylink.)

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  • 189 weeks
    We're back in business!!!

    Chapter 4 of Power Rangers Element Fury has been posted, and I promise to have the next chapter out as soon as humanly possible. Promise.

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  • 195 weeks
    It's my 3 Year Anniversary!

    Not kidding. It's been three years since I first joined this site. Kinda sucks I joined shortly before the tail-end of G4, but hey, I still had fun. And hopefully I'll be here for many more years.

    Thanks for liking my stories and for putting up with my hectic update schedule. Hopefully the next chapter of Power Rangers: Element Fury will be out sooner rather than later.

    15 comments · 401 views
  • 197 weeks
    Going Forward

    Okay, so I'm ending my hiatus now because I've managed to get my writing mojo back in order.
    And first thing I want to address is this.

    Yes, it seems that G5 is around the corner. Or at least we'll be getting something from it in the next few months.

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Captain Marvel · 4:15am Jun 30th, 2019

So, I just saw Captain Marvel with my folks. A few months late, I know but seeing as how I rarely go to the movies I don't think it matters.

The film is essentially a prequel, taking place before Iron Man. But it takes place primarily in 1995, so it takes place AFTER Captain America: The First Avenger, which takes place during World War 2. If you go by that bit of info, the MCU's official timeline would be...

Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain Marvel
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Marvel Avengers
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Marvel Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War
Ant-Man and the Wasp (I know it technically takes place the same time as Infinity War.)
Avengers: Endgame (which I haven't seen yet but I have gotten a few spoilers for. Really need to get a copy on Blu-Ray or something.)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (which looks promising.)

With that bit of my nerdage out of the way, let's get to the movie proper.

Personally, I liked it. Brie Larson does a great job of bringing this character to life, I loved seeing Nick Fury and Phil Coulson again, and the special effects were pretty great. I especially love the scene where Carol Danvers finally goes full out and blasts a bunch of enemies and scatters them like bowling pins. I seriously hope when we get to Endgame she fights Thanos one on one, because I would love to see her kick his purple ass.

All in all I thought it was a good movie. Maybe not as big and bombastic as any of the other Avengers movies, but it's still a pretty fun ride.

Comments ( 10 )

Sounds interesting. I still haven’t seen it myself but I am sure I can stream it somewhere eventually.

By the way, it looks like you forgot to include Guardians of The Galaxy 2 in the list of films, but I heard that it takes place 6 months after the original and is recommended to be watched immediately after the first film (even though it was released after Civil War).

I was with you until you said Brie Larsen was good XD

I don't like her.

Oops. Glad you caught that, as I actually love GOTG Volume 2. It's very quotable, especially a lot of Yondu's dialogue.

Rest In Peace Yondu. You were arguably one of the best dads in the MCU.

May I ask why?


She just made a lot of really stupid comments in interviews.


I don't know the full story but apparently, she said something like "This movie isn't being made for men" and someone took it out of context(I don't know the original context sadly).

Also, she kinda mocked Chris Hemsworth a bit because she didn't like Thor the Dark World.

Like I said I don't know the full story

She comes off as incredibly arrogant and holier than thou, and constantly hypes herself up and puts others down.

Well, I tend to ignore most of that stuff unless the actor or actress in question gets arrested for something horrible, or has politcial views and beliefs like Mel Gibson. So... yeah I really don't care. Her performance for the character was good and honestly that's all I care about. Now if she was a dick to her coworkers like Jared Leto was in Suicide Squad, then I would have a problem.

It's all good. Seperate opinions are what makes humans human, so I respect your opinion of her.

Keep up the good work BTW


Also, expect to soon see a blog about Into The Spider-Verse. Because I just got done watching it, right now.

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