• Member Since 9th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2022


More Blog Posts8

  • 155 weeks
    Quicksilver Sword

    My sword
    My sheild
    The tool I wield
    My sapient quicksilver sword
    A friend
    A fool
    A companion true
    My sapient quicksilver sword

    2 comments · 136 views
  • 173 weeks
    Fight The Wind

    A sword in a hand
    Anouther in the sand

    You can't fight the wind
    With power but no love

    A glare in the eye
    A moment 'til I die

    You can't fight the wind
    When all you have is love

    The cost of my life
    A splinter in their eye

    You can fight the wind
    Charge your sword with love

    Arise with a cry
    Ten thousand by my side

    You can kill the wind
    Together in love

    0 comments · 120 views
  • 207 weeks
    Typical mealtimes and menus.

    6am. Breakfast. One egg, rasher of bacon, thick toast, coffee. Calories- 350.

    8am. Second breakfast. Beans, pancakes, sausage, strong tea. Calories- 260.

    10am. Brunch. Mimosa, grapefruit. Calories- 210.

    12pm. Lunch. Sandwich and half soup/salad, cider. Calories- 650.

    2pm. Tea time. Tea and teacakes or crumpets. Calories- 180.

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    0 comments · 123 views
  • 213 weeks
    How to fall

    How do people learn how to walk?

    They put themselves in the most unstable, uncomfortable orientation nature might provide. Then they fall.

    And then they do it again.

    And, sooner or later, they eventually learn to fall twice before they hit the ground. Then three times. then four.

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    1 comments · 147 views
  • 231 weeks
    Yeet Nazis.

    Let me just be clear:

    I support yeeting Nazis. Not doing that is how you get Nazis, and half the reason the world is on fire right now.

    Yeeting Nazis doesn't have to have a slippery slope to other things. It's the same reason you can allow ponies and still ban IRL CP. One is fictional, the other is real.

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    2 comments · 216 views

Pickles · 4:21am Jun 12th, 2019

In the grocer
is measured by the number of wrappers.

A package in a package in a package in a wrapper.

To shame and shackle the
poor (comma?)

They trick you, in the grocer.

Unwrapped, warm, ready to eat
sold by the pound
just like Grandma made-

Not like those three and four times wrapped frozen dinners-

it sits between the most packaged things
to be bought together, despite the lie:
here we have unwrapped it for you, pretend it's pure.

The purest thing in the grocer is pickles.

Not wrapped 4 times, 3 times, 1 time, none times.
Pickles, it says, is a trick
wrapped inside out for less than once.

They sit in a mason jar with a hand written mass printed label.

These pickles were made in 1917,
by a real grandma,
sent to a real grandson.

Packed in a mason jar to keep overseas.

The boy to her was in superposition.
Alive and dead with equal likelihood.
On his way home, or staying in some foreign soil forever.

The pickles were not his gift.

It was the mason jar that was the true prize.
Useful for a million things, described
in detail.

(By a company closed these 75 years. Visit the website for more!)

When the boy came back his best friend did not.
Then together,
grandmother, grandson, best friends widow, joined and incorporated.

They made the mechanical grandmother.

Who makes by mechanical hand her pickles,
puts them in jars no one else can make,
and prints perfectly the label that lets you know.

The pickle is the packaging. The jar is the product.

I live in a house filled with mason jars.
mason jar tables and mason jar plants.
For that boy solder, after all I never liked pickles.

His story must be true. It's printed on the back of the jar.

Report deaincaelo · 192 views ·
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