Long ass day · 2:23am Mar 27th, 2019
I'm too tired to write a novel about it, so I'll keep it as short as I can.
Flew back home from Charlotte today. All was well, security was kinda wacky. My bag had to go through the scanner twice, my grandma's bag was picked apart and searched for ten minutes. Airport was also unreasonably warm.
We get to our gate, plane is already there. By the time we are supposed to start boarding, nothing happens. Ten minutes later they report a maintenance issue on the aircraft. A half hour later they report the delay is indefinite. An hour after we were supposed to leave, they report that the plane is not safe to use for the flight and that a new one is going to be brought in from Key West (already on its way on its own flight) to use.
Departure was supposed to be 3:59 PM.
We did not take off until maybe 5:50 and didn't land in Columbus until 6:45.
On top of that, I had to move myself on the plane because my seat was taken before I even boarded. I still managed to get the window seat though, so that's cool.
I'm tired. I'm going to bed.