Cryptozoology Thought: Timberdogs · 7:16am Jan 12th, 2019
In today's wacky ideas brought on by drink... the domestication of the timberwolf. Because who doesn't want a bunch of tiny shaggy-barked puppies running around the place?
Best part of this idea: much as dogs look different from wolves, even near-wolves, so timberdogs have a tendency to look like... well, domesticated wood. Which is to say, less cracked foresty deadfall, and more polished oak. If the wood they're made from transforms that way despite being acquired in the normal manner, that'll bake some magical noodles.
...or maybe timberdog reproduction would end up involving a raid on Quills & Sofas.
Just make sure you get yours from a reputable breeder. Domesticated plant elementals redefine the term "puppy farm."