• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd

Soothing Stone

Booping, romance, silly stuff, drama, I write it all. Mostly just booping, though.

More Blog Posts223

  • 12 weeks
    On what's been going on and some other notes

    Just gonna get straight to it.

    1. What I was going to announce in my last blog post was that I self published a novel. I was nervous to link to it like I originally planned for personal reasons, but yeah. That's what I've been up to. I'm writing original works and wanting to get them published one day.

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  • 76 weeks
    What's been happening with me

    I know it's been a while, and I've gotten the occasional thing in my inbox wondering what's up with me. So I'm going to post here about what's been happening.

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  • 150 weeks
    New Story: Ocean Eyes


    Little thing I've been doing with my friend Salnalus.

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  • 151 weeks
    Bit of a delay

    Due to some circumstances cropping, I'm delaying the next story by a little bit. Not sure the exact date, other than sometime between now and the 12th, the latter being the absolute latest day I'll upload it.

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  • 154 weeks
    Coming Next Month

    There's been some work underway for the next project on this site. I'd say it's a timely adventure story given it's summertime and we all want to go SOMEWHERE for vacation, namely the beach (God have mercy on the people that work at the hotels and places around them, they don't know how busy they'll be). Like before, it's a collaboration with my good friend Salnalus, and I'll begin writing it

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My Thoughts On Personal Loss · 4:18am Nov 4th, 2012

Given that the story Fallen Apple kicks off with a loss for Apple Bloom, I thought it relevant to talk about this issue while it's revelant. Whenever or not you agree with what I think about it is your concern, but it seemed like a good time to talk about this topic. Something like this will pop up in the author's notes for the story once it's finished.

There's no denying that eventually, you'll lose something you hold dear. It could be your favorite game, movie, or whatever. You do feel a sting when you lose it, if you had an emotional connection to it. But it's nothing compared to losing a loved one in a way similar to the story.

I think part of the problem is similar to waking up after a wonderful dream, and after you're out of it, you realize you have another painful day at school or work. It's similar because your existance can be fun and carefree, and you can handle yourself. But when you're taken out of it all the sudden by an event like this, you don't know what the hell you're supposed to be doing. Suddenly, the path that was so clear before has become muddled while a dozen others appear. LIke a maze, you're not sure which one you're supposed to take, and you just want this to be over.

It's impossible to be sure if that's how you felt in such a moment, but a lot can relate...maybe. Tomorrow doesn't seem as sunny as it did before.

So what happens next? Well, I had Big Mac tell Apple Bloom that while we can't do anything about tragic moments, we can choose what we do after that's over. That's how I see it. Because the moment has passed, and you're feeling awful about it. It's normal to feel so heartbroken after a moment, but once it sinks in and the cloud of darkness lifts a bit, you DO have the chance to do something about it.

Personally, when it's more like an act of God that triggers the moment, or a freak accident, I'm not the biggest fan of blaming someone like the person behind the accident or God Himself. Why? Because in the end, all you really feel is bitterness, and I'm of the opinion that it doesn't help matters, now that you can say that person did it, but only extends the wounds left from the event. You're not moving on, and it's like you're still living in the past.

It's not that you shouldn't keep thinking about the person you lost, because you absolutely should. Keep that person in your memory and your heart at all times. But you need to move past that time where he or she died, because if you don't, it can easily consume you into a depression, and you'll feel like you need to do something to get out of it, to make things right. But it really doesn't do anything in the end. There's no satisfaction at getting back at the person you felt was responsible, because all you did in the end was make both of you feel worse.

Instead, I think you really should talk to somepony if this is troubling you that bad. Not the loss, but the way you want to lash out from how you're feeling about it.

I don't know if this is good advice or not. I tried to give out advice at one point, only to be lashed out against and just dropped it altogether. I get the feeling this will happen with my post too, and will gladly delete it if this is the case. I'm sorry if I did.

Report Soothing Stone · 147 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Your counsel is most inspirational. Thank you very much. :fluttercry:

words of wisdom good sir indeed. i believe these words to hold truth in matters like that but its painful to lose someone. Ive never had to experience that yet but i know at some point in my life im going to and thats just it, i don't know when it will happen and that is the thing that scares me the most. there are few thing that i actually care about in this world and even fewer that i have a connection to, honestly i don't know if i could handle a blow to my heart like that cause i already show so little of emotion to pretty much everything and i have done so for a while now. in the end though there is never anything you can do about it cause death is just out of your hands and the weirdest thing is what most people think and im pretty sure this is true but on their deathbed most people think about what have they done with their live, if they have anything they regret not doing, the people that may be affected by your death and one of biggest thing everyone thinks about is did i leave my mark in history. thats a big topic for people cause everyone wants to leave something that will be remembered behind for generation to come and that also holds truth cause even in death nobody wants to be forgotten. i think im just rambling at this point but my point is that its the most painful thing that can happen to you and it hard to get over things like that especially if you have formed a connection with it. you have said some pretty good advice and this is the kind of thing that some people should really take notice and use this advice as it holds great significance. i award you mustaches for your great words there you've earned them. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache: :applecry:

I must agree. It's hard to move on after loosing someone close, especially at such a young age. :fluttercry: But we have to move on, or we can't heal. It's the moving on that is often the hardest part of loss.

The only thing I can say is that, when dealing with loss at such a young age, you just kinda shut down. You go through the motions, but don't actually respond.

Hope to see more of this story, your'e doing wonderfully. Keep up the feels striking writing.

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