• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Sunday

Compendium of Steve

The One Who Writes. Intermittently, Without Fail.

More Blog Posts94

  • 2 weeks
    Well, I'm feeling dumb...

    Hi all. How have you been doing lately? Things are getting colder, darker, and it's already looking like Christmas!... Much at the expense of Thanksgiving, which has pretty much been neglected by the big name retailers. Hopefully you all have fun plans for these final days of November, be it alone or with friends and/or family.

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  • 5 weeks
    A Great Outcome!

    Well well well. Halloween is just two days off, and Ace Week has been over with for three. Hopefully you all learned something new about asexuality in that time. My streamer acquaintance Trinity has been able to raise $200 over her week-long stream, which is a huge success for her! If any of you pitched in, thank you so much! If you simply stopped by to watch and vibe, that's also

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  • 6 weeks
    Halfway There!

    Hey yall! Just a quick update that Ace Week is halfway over. Have you been educating yourselves? Showing some awareness/appreciation? Having a good week overall?

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  • 6 weeks
    Ace Week Is HERE!!!

    That's right: Asexual Awareness Week begins today, and will last until the 26th. During this time, my streamer acquaintance Trinity will be doing a 24/7 livestream for charity! So if you can, hop over, check out a hardcore gamer dragoness, and maybe leave a donation. Otherwise, learn more about asexuality and/or spread awareness. And of course, show the Aces in your life some love, support

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  • 6 weeks

    Well, it's that time again. Here in the US, the presidential elections will be happening November 5th. However, early voting has begun in several states, as has absentee and mail-in voting. To all my fellow Americans of voting age, I implore you to vote. The political scene seems a total mess (which it absolutely is) and voting may appear pointless, but it's not. Don't be turned off by the

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Resurfacing · 9:12pm Sep 11th, 2018

Surprise post, I guess. It certainly has been a long time since I've posted anything. And now season eight has come to an end. Bet you're wondering what I thought of it overall, eh?

Well I've only seen about five of the early episodes, so I don't have a full opinion of this season. And I'm not sure when I'll get around to watching the other episodes, or if I will even watch all of them. But some of the synopses have me curious, so who knows. Can't say when for sure. The same goes for Pony Team Epic. It's still in that dreaded Hiatus stage, laziness pending.

Otherwise, I've been doing fine. A mix of mostly going the same motions from day to day and getting out doing things off the beaten path, if only by a couple of yards. I'm sure all of you are in the midst of your own transitions, as this is the changing of the seasons. Hopefully transitions marked with good fortune.

In all, just a minor update to those who may have some inkling of concern or curiosity of my well-being. Nothing particularly profound to showcase here. Just have yourselves a nice day.

Report Compendium of Steve · 256 views · #stuff
Comments ( 2 )
Author Interviewer

It's only come to an end if you're some kind of weird foreigner. :V

But aren't we all citizens of the same world? :derpytongue2:

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