• Member Since 16th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Oct 3rd, 2024


Perpetually finding ways to pack a kayak into a sedan

More Blog Posts19

  • 227 weeks
    As time goes by

    Hey guys, I don't know how many of you are reading this, or if anyone really cares but I guess this is an important thing for me personally.

    There was a time where this helped me... a lot. I grew and changed and improved and I am so thankful I made all this stuff, all this writing. There was also a time where I could commit to the writing. I was so eager to keep writing fics.

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    3 comments · 426 views
  • 283 weeks
    Not dead yet!

    Hi all! I'm so sorry I've been dead. I just finished my placement! An intense training segment where pre service teachers are put in schools to actually teach (I loved it!). I'm one step away from being a fully qualified teacher! New chapter in the holidays 💜💜 to PROVE it to you and myself, I already have the first 1000 words down. I am not dead just yet, And thanks for all your love and

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    4 comments · 312 views
  • 317 weeks
    100 followers! Oh my lordy lou!

    Ummm excuse me? You aren't allowed to make me feel stupid amounts of happiness. Seriously what is wrong with all of you?!

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    10 comments · 436 views
  • 329 weeks
    I just featured what the actual???

    So I don't know how it happened.... but my fic Armoured Hearts has just featured! Like... what the actual...

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    6 comments · 485 views
  • 332 weeks
    Alicon 2018! Con report/update/thanks to all!

    Well... what an eventful week I have had. Firstly I would like to apologise to all the people who found this on FIMFiction, the amazing people who have been waiting for me to publish stuff where... I just haven't been able to do anything. Once again, university on top of being a part of Alicon has just made my life incredibly busy and it's going to be like that for a while. Please bear with me

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    7 comments · 375 views

Holy Cripe, I'm a Panelist! · 2:34pm Jul 6th, 2018

So... something I never thought would happen in a million years came true. I am actually going to be on a panel at Alicon 2018!!! What the hell? In no universe, I would have imagined that people would go to a panel to hear me talking about something I truly love! I'm so freaking honoured to be picked to do this and I'm currently scrambling through my course notes and previous lectures to bundle up things worth talking about.

As some amazing people would have already discovered, I love getting people enthused about literature! It's literally going to be part of my job description one day. In any way I can, I try so much to get anyone, everyone involved in such a fun, practical skill like writing. And to reach an audience to do this? Woah. I am so humbled and just amazed at the fact that I've actually gotten people to start putting stuff out there, and now I get to do that, but for a convention. I'm no celebrity, and I'm certainly not as proficient at writing as some of the other people out there, but the universal principle of inspiring people and informing them about why, what, and how to write is something that I have a deep passion for. And please, if you're down at Alicon then say hi! I will be here and there helping out and be doing various other things outside the panel but if you want to talk writing or whatever really, it doesn't matter, I'll be so damn happy to chat!

Wish me luck!

Comments ( 6 )

Oh good luck Alicorn Con bro :)

Oh damn, congrats man! I wish I could be there to attend, but hopefully someone will tape it or something. Best of luck!

Congrats man! good luck and have fun:)

Oh wow! I'm really proud of you! Congradulations! How did you get a panel?

Good luck Milo. Enjoy because you deserve it. Wish you the best.

Thank you! It kind of just happened, it's hard to explain but I talked to head of events and we talked about alicon and boom, panelist!!
Thank you! That means so much to me :twilightblush:

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