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  • 250 weeks
    Episode reviews: Uprooted/ Between Dark and Dawn/ A Trivial Pursuit

    Okay, quick talk about three episodes. I know I haven't been doing these weekly but I am behind on mlp. Season 8 wasn't... as good as I would have hoped so I stopped keeping track each week. My bad. Season 9, from what I've seen, has picked up the slack. So there's some positive. I'm going to try and watch at least 2 or 3 episodes a day until I get caught up. Don't worry, I'll be ready for the

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  • 260 weeks
    Episode Review: Father Knows Best/School Raze

    1: Father Knows Best

    Well this is it folks. I have finally finished season 8.... I think it's my least favorite season. Not entirely bad, but just not as good as others. I'm surprised really. I never thought I'd see a day I'd like a season less then season 4 but here it is. So let's start off by going over the last two episodes of this season shall we?

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  • 261 weeks
    Episode Review: The Road to Friendship/The Washouts

    1; The Road to Friendship

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    New Chapter coming soon (The Greatest Treasure/Fate Pony)

    Heyo everyone. It seems I've got my writing mojo back. Well now I've finally started the next chapter of TGT and my Fate pony fic. They should be done by the weekend if not tomorrow. I hope it'll be worth the wait.

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  • 262 weeks
    (Spoiler review) What Lies Beneath

    Still need to catch up on season 8. Don't worry. I won't be out of the loop once season 9 ends. I plan on binging the show until then. So hopefully I'll get a review done a day. So let's start with this one.

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Episode Spoilers (Molt Down) · 3:46am May 28th, 2018

Well that happened. The show has mixed things up once again and well... I don't hate it. I don't think it's a bad change, but.... It feels similar to how I think how poorly handled Discord's redemption episode was. So if you want my honest opinion before I get into specifics, no. I don't really like this episode. I"m noticing a bloody trend this season. I can honestly name more episodes I don't like or am ambivalent over then I can episodes I really think are good. In fact, let me see, oh yes. I've only really liked three episodes this season.... Three episodes. The rest I think were poor or just okay. I don't want to think that of a season, but honestly, I think this is shaping up to be among my least favorite seasons thus far.

So let's start off shall we?

So the episode starts with Rarity and Spike out to collect phoenix feathers to help her make a dress. You know, looking over this episode it starts off quite a bit like Gauntlet of fire. I mean, let's go over the points.

  1. Rarity and Spike are spending time together as he helps her collect items
  2. Takes place right at the start of the episode
  3. Spike experiences body issues due to being a dragon
  4. Said body issues disturb an animal
  5. Said body issues will also be the catalyst of the episode

There's also the ending, but I'll get into that later. So basically, already the episode seems to be following a formula from basically Spike's best episode thus far. Maybe that can mean that this episode will be good.... *sigh* Again people, I know a bunch of people are gushing over this episode. You can gush over it as much as you want, but not me.

Because this is the scene that brings back Peewee. You know Peewee, right everyone? The little phoenix that Spike hatched in season 2.... That never showed up again until season 3 and that was just in pictures that showed Spike giving it up. Oh yeah, fuck giving Spike a cool pet. He just gave it up because.... no explanation given. Oh they sort of explain it in this episode given it's a phoenix but........ no. No it was a stupid decision then and it was a stupid decision now. That aside, I"m sure this reunion will be so sweet and nice. It'll be heartwarming and play a big part of this

And it's over in less then twenty seconds and Spike doesn't get to really interact with Peewee at all and Peewee doesn't appear again in this episode.....

No. NOOOO! Wait, I'm going to calm down. It's nothing to get angry about. I mean, the writers have done their damnedest to make sure I don't care about Peewee and his relationship with Spike before. Why should I care now? Yeah, Spike's better off without a pet. Screw that idea and the heartwarming shenanigans that could ensue.

Then Rarity, after noticing the dragon pimple, tells him to go see Zecora. Spike tells her no and he believes it will go away. The first instance of this is alright. Stuff like this can just go away, but when Twilight notices it the next morning, he is..... stubborn for some inexplicable reason. Does Spike just hate Zecora or something? He seems really hesitant to go to her as it's his last resort basically in this episode even though Zecora is probably the best expert on dragons outside of, you know, actual dragons. Or is this a teen/macho thing? Either way, he's being stupid. And he smells, so Twilight asks him to leave for a bit.

Now Spike doesn't want to be seen, especially by Rarity right now. He's covered in red, flaming scales. So obviously he would try to hide. Now he could go to the middle of the Everfree Forest and see Zecora, who is away from town and has basically every cure known to ponykind.... except baldness for some bloody reason! (Sorry, another episode that ticked me off) No, he puts on a fedora and trenchcoat and..... lazes about right in front of the Friendship School?

Spike!!!!!! Why would you be right there if you don't want to be seen? Rarity works there. Several people go there. Hay, Rarity even bumps into him right there so this plan is so heavily flawed that I can't believe you thought it would work. And then, to avoid Rarity who asks him to strip (wow~), he decides to say he's directing tours of the school...... And thankfully Pinkie was just about to do one so he gets to do it....

So he rushes it because this entire situation is stupid and he is stupid and he tries to make sure no one notices his condition until his voice goes quiet and then he starts yelling at random.

Because apparently this illness does that now. Okay. That's... stupid but I won't dwell on it.

So then Smolder finally comes across him after his library incident. She starts to explain about the Molt, which is basically something all dragons go through when they hit puberty where their body changes. Also they stink, which attracts predators. Also, dragons kick out their kids when they go through this. So basically dragons go by survival of the fittest terms while raising their young..... I"m sorry, I know Torch is a toughie kind of guy, but it's hard to imagine him doing that to Ember.

So Spike, ever the genius, gets worried that Twilight will kick him out of the house for good because of this. He thinks this because.... Dragons do it. Ponies might do it too... And Twilight told him to leave because he smelled.... Even though Smolder went through it and doesn't smell now so it ends and they move on...... Spike you are an idiot. You should have learned about this in It's About Time. FORETHOUGHT IS A THING! Well he doesn't have it so he worries and worries.

Spike FINALLY goes to Zecora for something to help but she really doesn't because this is just a natural thing he has to go through. I am astounded by how a zebra knows more then an entire country of ponies, who have dragons regularly migrate through their country..... Yes, Dragon Quest making that a thing is just dumb. Beyond dumb.

Then Rarity shows up and she's deaf. Why is she deaf? Well that's obvious of course. Don't you know that phoenix feathers carry around magic that can make people deaf?

...MOving on. So she's deaf. So she can't hear Spike randomly yelling which honestly seems to be the only reason they made this rather silly decision but I digress. So she can finally hear a bit and hears something. Zecora distracts her, because... she must still suck at hearing since this episode makes a lot of 'what did you say' jokes. They are alright but still.

Spike sneaks out. Zecora finds him and then.......... A giant Roc appears.

Apparently Roc's have the natural ability to clear forests in seconds since the HEAVILY WOODED FOREST is now clear and its a meadow.

They also have the ability to sneak up on people without them noticing since this happens THREE TIMES!

So the two run from the giant Roc who was just over them but misses. I'm going to say it's great to see such a creature on MLP. Roc's are indeed awesome and this creature isn't any less. So it snatches up Zecora and then...... Rarity shows up....

Apparently the Roc has the natural ability to not be seen when it wants to be since not but one second ago, it was chasing Spike and cawing like crazy. Even if she's bloody well deaf she should have seen the damn creature chasing Spike since he runs right into her.

So Rarity, ever oblivious, gets captured.... out of all of this, there is a good call back joke to Secret of My Excess but I'll get to that in a moment.

AND THEN TWILIGHT APPEARS OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE! Why was she there? How did she get there without noticing the giant killer ROC? Why is she there? Why did the writer put her here? Why is she there? It doesn't add up. IT's just so random it is not even funny. So she finally notices the Roc as it's right over them....

The abilities of Roc's astound me, because as soon as we are shown, it seems resistant to magic......

WHAT ELSE CAN IT DO? Can it teleport? Can it caw the Equestrian National ANthem while playing a banjo? This creature's abilities are endless.

Or is it because Twilight fucking sucks at being a combat mage... again... it's probably because of that because, again... grab the Roc in your magic and slam it into the ground. It shouldn't be that hard since it likes to stop and caw at people when they aren't looking. Gah!

So Twilight 'fights' it and then Spike goes through his metamorphosis. As in, he suddenly becomes a rock, and then pops out with wings....

WHY GIVE HIM WINGS? WHY? Why did they have to give him wings? I'm going to be honest here people, I have always hated that bloody headcanon that Spike will somehow grow wings. WHy do I hate it? He wasn't born with them so why not make him an Earth dragon? Do they just not fucking exist? Apparently not because that level of dragon differentiation would be stupid. I have always hated it but now it happened. It is canon, so now I feel if I complain about it I'll just be labled as someone who hates change... I hate this particular change and now it is here to stay.

So he fights it off, he talks to Twilight, she assures him that everything is fine, and the episode ends....

Okay, this episode basically ripped off a few things.

Dragon Quest's ending with Twilight assuaging Spike after a conflict that everything is alright... which also happened in Owl's Well That Ends Well but it feels more like Dragon Quest in this instance.

The whole cocoon and transformation metaphor for puberty was done, and done better, in Teen Titans episode 'Transformation'.

The transformation into a flying type to combat an aerial predator attacking loved ones was done by Charizard in the original pokemon anime against the Aerodactyl and that was more epic.

The episode is overall agitating. Spike's stupidity and stubborness makes this a chore. The circumstances around the Roc are stupid. It feels like it borrows way too much from other material including previous episodes. The change was something I'm not for and it didn't do anything to get me to like it. So overall, I do not care for this episode. I don't 'hate' it and it is not the worst episode of the show but it is lesser quality.

I just hope other people enjoyed it more then me because I don't see much value in it. Until next time, take care.

Report Evowizard25 · 380 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

As to the whole wings thing? Has the show even hinted at other baby dragons having or not having wings? This is NOT the first time I've seen a species that didn't have wings til they're older. I am willing to admit it's super rare and I'm having trouble recalling the last time It was in a story,

WHAT ELSE CAN IT DO? Can it teleport? Can it caw the Equestrian National ANthem while playing a banjo? This creature's abilities are endless.

Well, let's break it down for a moment:

It appears out of fucking nowhere, despite its size and appearance.

It clears the area when it shows up.

It can seemingly straight up vanish from the perceptions of others when it isn't in direct confrontation with them.

...I'm pretty sure it's a Pokemon. No, seriously, this is sounding a lot like a random encounter in a Pokemon game. And don't even get me started on Spike's "Evolution".

Spike, you have been Larsoned. :moustache:

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