• Member Since 10th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago


I am new to writing, I like to play games. The 'lives' we 'live' are short and abruptly end. And I intend to fill it with worthy things.

More Blog Posts28

  • 354 weeks
    Dream Writing


    ___This is a over detailed writing of the dream I had last month. This dream is about werewolves and as with dreams time and movements like to jerk around a bit. Scenes and Descriptions may or may not have occured within the dream. Enjoy!


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    1 comments · 414 views
  • 354 weeks

    I'm skipping school to go have a Mental Health Day (Watching Infinity War).

    Plus I may have a light story about a Dream I had last month. Albeit the detailing is a bit fabricated apart when it comes to the jumbled mess that is a dream.

    3 comments · 419 views
  • 356 weeks
    National Walkout

    Well, we just had our school 17 Minute Walkout today at 10 AM. Wasn't really all that interesting and not a lot of people came. Was just there for the Turnout and Curiosity.

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  • 357 weeks
    Wooo! 50 Followers!

    This is a First for me, and I must say.. Thank you.

    Even though I haven't got a story up on this site - trust me - there's one in the works.
    I just need to get the first chapter finalized...

    2 comments · 350 views
  • 357 weeks
    School U.S. Government Speech

    This is a Speech i wrote myself for my US Government Class for a Group project that I think I'd like to share with ya'll.


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Problems · 10:59pm Feb 6th, 2018

Apparently my DC Power port on my laptop gave out again so I'll have to get that replaced. Unfortunately we don't have the funds to full this off at the moment. I'll have to get a job so that I can pay for it eventually. At least I still have my tablet and the school computers.

I also have a question. What would happen if the United States or any other country were to make a impoverished and destroyed Equestria a territory in modern times?

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