• Member Since 15th Nov, 2011
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I read and sometimes edit stories. Little burned out though.

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  • 456 weeks
    I tried writing something...

    ... and I did art instead. Sorry to all of you that have computers that run browsers... I probably kept these a little too big.

    I think this is Luna... not sure.

    This is probably Cadance Celestia.

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  • 504 weeks
    I Arted

    So, I am trying my hand (or mouse) at vector art. Right now just tracing and getting used to the software.

    Done from this one by Joey-Darkmeat.

    13 comments · 699 views
  • 513 weeks
    Because I was Blocked

    This is what failed to get sent. It all started because of a stupid grammar correction gone TOO FAR!
    (On suggestion by Shadowflash.)

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    0 comments · 421 views
  • 549 weeks
    Christmas Stuff.

    So I have seen some people putting Santa hats on their avatars and I felt I might as well. I just kinda got on a little bit of a roll...

    The one I am using. Didn't see the point in making it huge.

    One with holly, I feel I should change it.

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    34 comments · 633 views
  • 570 weeks
    I Knew the Media was Dumb

    But this is over the top. I don't live in Oakland, but I am in California and closer to Oakland than more. The news channel somehow got these names, called the NTSB and an intern there confirmed the names. Probably thought the news channel was a prank caller.

    194 comments · 1,023 views

What is Happening to Me? · 7:51pm Oct 21st, 2012

I have always resisted writing a story cause I saw it as slipping farther into the fandom (not like Fourpony -FiM isn't the first hit on Google) and I hate all my own ideas (except for the ones that are better then everyone else's). But as the summer turned into fall, I felt the whispers of an idea that started in late spring becoming more insistant. I tried to argue with myself with the usual, "It's a terrible idea", "I suck at writing", and of coarse the laughable, "I need to do homework". To which dickhead me replied with, "You'll never know till you try", "your English teachers seemed happy enough", and "Bullshit, like you do homework anyway." My resistance in waining. So, I came here looking for allies.

I need you to come up with more reasons not to write something, I am at the stages where I am working out how characters will react to situations and have yet to write down plot points (thank Celestia!). I am an engineer, I don't study how to make good literary points, I study how to solve important problems, like getting Mr. Johnson's lemons to explode.

Cause this is important. Not writing up some silly story that I have been trying to think of puns for all summer.


Report Fourpony · 502 views ·
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Fourpony sighed as he set the yellow, combustible lemon back down on the table. Well, it wasn't combustible actually. Not yet, anyway. He looked away from the lemons for a moment, and noticed that something seemed awry with his computer.

Hmm, that's weird. He thought. The monitor of seemed to have something open on it, rather than being in its usual neutral state: at his desktop. Fourpony walked over to his computer, and right away noticed something was very, very wrong.

There was a writing program open.

More importantly, there was a writing program open, and the page was not blank; it had words on it. Taking a closer look, the words were seemingly arranged into a timeline of some kind.

Oh no! Not...a plot! Fourpony thought in agony, as he slowly backed away from his desk on which his monitor sat. He turned around and ran to the table, silently urging his combustible lemons to go on and save him from the horrors of literary. He swiftly picked up a lemon and threw it at the monitor, to no avail. Suddenly, levitating books came flying out from the monitor; all directed towards Fourpony. He tried to run away, but was rewarded with mild pressure on his back. The force from the impact of the book had toppled him over, and the other books were quick to pin him down on the floor. He was flipped over, onto his back, and a thin, red book with no cover threw itself at his chest, as if urging him to read. Fourpony opened the book curiously, to find the word: Write.

He screamed and pushed the book away, but it came back and landed right on his face, the page open to the scarring words he had never seen before. Two books shredded into paper and formed a kind of handcuffs around his hands, while the books that were pinning him down flew under him and forced him onto his feet. Again, he tried to resist, but it did not work. The books pushed him over to his desk, and he fell into a chair, in front of the monitor. The red book reappeared and opened on his desk, reading only that accursed word. The handcuffs disappeared and then reappeared around his legs, effectively pinning him to the chair. Fourpony sighed once more, and began typing away, for it seemed his life depended on it...

Whoops. My hand slipped. Sorry.

438268 When used possessively, "its" does not have an apostrophe

Not really in support of writing nor is it telling me not to, more like I am assaulted by books (thank goodness not sexually, that would be Twi's wet dream). Though all that from a slip of the hand, you my friend are talented.

When finishing a sentence, mark the end with a period, exclamation mark, or question mark depending on what meaning you are trying to get across to the reader.

Oh please. Your computer is longing for you to hit those keys.
Unintentional rhymes.

wat're u tlkn bout no wai
it'ss writnig 4 da exprts
it's it's own comptr

So, your fingers were possessed by my computer? That makes total sense.

That last part hurt my eyes.

Your computer telepathically sent a message to me, and I simply interpreted it for you. Since you didn't get the message on your own, apparently.

Well my desktop was turned off in the back of my car, so forgive me for not hearing its pleas. Also, you're not helping in the way the bold, italicized text asked; are you trying reverse psychology? :trixieshiftright:

Maybe you should stop murdering your computer so you can hear it's advice.
It gives out some really good advice.

Are you trying reverse psychology? :trixieshiftright:

Why did you writing "Are you trying reverse psychology?" again? It is now making me nervous.

What do you mean again? .___.

Maybe you are trying reverse psychology on yourself.
Or you could be some great writer on some other account who often visits here, to delude yourself.

Me, a great writer? HA, like I would have enough time to write something as well as read through all these stories. Also, I feel having 2 accounts would be a little under handed and more work then I would like. Though having a different pen name would be nice, Fourpony doesn't really inspire confidence.

What in the world do you think "Chimchar458" inspires? Personally, I like your name (at least it isn't "Fourpony39121948650"). I would make another name and I have been wanting to for a looong time, but I have no idea to what it should be (and am a bit intimidated by what my peers will think), so Chimchar458 prevails.

I have ~900 stories to read. Dang it.
On another topic like this one, sometimes I think I have too little friends (internet-based anyway), but then one day when I want to do something specific I get bombarded with game requests.

And once more I let people down and not update my stories (if they even want them updated) for 100 years. Did the same thing on FanFiction.net, but worse; I told them I updated a while ago and then I left again because I can't continue my stories for crap.

I guess after a while someone's name becomes less of an oddity and is seen as marking who they are. I try and stay away form using numbers in names, I have a habit of wanting to pronounce them. An example being "Deadmau5", I like saying "Dead-mow-five" and get criticized for it.

I would die if I had 900 stories to read, I am keeping it at 112 at the moment. I like to screen an author before actually adding the work to a list I will read. I don't really have internet friends, the friends I have in my Steam list I know personally. It is not that I am against it, I just haven't met many people.

If I have people following something I do I then feel I have a responsibility to provide whatever it was I was originally doing. So in the case of writing a story I would either update on a regular basis (allowing for extraneous cases of coarse) or completely freakout and leave (while feeling terribly guilty).

I have a hard time remembering to say "Dead Mouse" and instead usually say Dead-mau-five.

Most of my time I waste, doing nothing, henceforth why I can't post a "progress" blog saying I'm busy. And a lot of my friends that I meant that are "internet-based" are friends I know outside of the internet. I was just using the term for convince. I used to do that with authors, but today I'll click almost anything, which isn't a good thing for my list of stories to read. (And then there's that voice nagging me saying that I'm missing on a whole bunch of great stories, since i didn't read the stories and potentially watch the author. Also explains why I watch ~1200 people on deviantART, which will soon be the end of me).

And I do have ever-growing guilt about not updating, but I guess it's not as big as causing me to actually do something about it outside of when I want to. Or, at least, when I should be writing and I'm not because I had doubts about how it will go.

You know, all this is related to why I haven't finished HL2, FO3 (Or NV), or all those other games. My desire to devour stories at some point doesn't transfer over to games, I suppose (or anywhere else).

Actually, I have had a desire to finish some games sometimes, but after a half hour of playing I usually stop.

I waste a lot of time too, but usually on Reddit or here reading. The games I do play I beat just about 100% (I must know the story). Also, I know the great stories will appear again as I search though stuff, I just need to stick around. Another reason for joining groups and playing attention to the thumbs ratio.

I'm learning how to use Reddit (my friends keep introducing me to new, time-wasting websites).

Groups are getting kind of wacky (at least, for me). Last thing I recall, someone added a 'Fluttershy story' to the 'Twilight Sparkle' group.

Learning to use Reddit? You just click on the blue links till only purple links remain.
Really? Mods need to keep an eye on that. I know I would not tolerate Fluttershy in a Twilight specific group. Though I am bias towards Twilight (as well as Dash and Luna).


It might've been partly towards Twilight as well; I didn't look into it. Bias, how (good or bad intentions)?

If I am bias towards I like just seeing Twilight, even if she is tortured and such (I want her to win though, cause Twily is a winner!)

I might be the same way; I'm really bias towards Rarity, and somewhat towards Applejack.

Getting into fetishes, hmm? Oh well. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Twilight_Sparkle_lolface.png (Appropriate icon.)

I find the use of nicknames weird (usage of relation to ponies anyway). I cannot come to call myself a brony; it's very strange to me. I have nothing against the word, just using it on myself.

Some nicknames are nice, however.

Rarity and AJ are below Twilight, Luna, Rainbow, Lyra, and [REDACTED]. Just my preference.

I have been called a "brony" before, but I don't much like people calling me "bro" to begin with, we are not related.

Nicknames like, pumpkin, love bug, snuggles, shmoopie-poo?

I haven't decided likings outside of the Mane 6. Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and then Rarity on my "scale".

One of my friends questioned me about it and I "snuck away"; haven't talked about it since with him.

Kind of. No one is really that kind of "status" warranting a nickname like that around me. But my favorite word to call someone is "silly filly", though I don't get to use it much for (obvious, at this point?) reasons. Otherwise, my favorite word right now is machinations.

Is that from least the greatest?

One of my female friends called me that after I dropped some saying, "20% cooler" or "huzzah", not sure what. So she had to have watched the shows to get it.

Other then the fact that most users are probably male, not sure why you couldn't use "silly filly". I just stick to calling people in a group "kiddles".


Fourpony's will wavering to the desire to write a story? there's an interesting concept. What kind of story would you write anything should you lose your resolve? :trixieshiftright:

Also, there once was a time not so long ago I thought the exact same things with the same excuses as you, then I decided to hell with it, and wrote. Magical things happened, like people liking the random garble that I called a story. //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Twilight_Sparkle.png

I wanted to play around with the episode "It's About Time". Cerberus left the gates of Tartarus and I don't think I have seen a fic of someone trying to explain why he left and if anything got out. It is a thought that has been eating at my brain since the episode.

Greatest to least.

I snuck a reference there once at my school; nobody got it I don't think (it wasn't widespread).

I can't call people silly filly outside of my circle (internet) because I'm a "closet brony".

Ok, this comment confused me.

I might be the same way; I'm really bias towards Rarity, and somewhat towards Applejack.

You would say bias towards if you are in favor of and bias against if you did not like them. None of my friends get any reference I drop, so I get to laugh to myself. I would say I am a "closet br... brooo"....F it, I hate the word "bro", however I have all sorts of pony wallpapers on my computer. My friends just find it funny and it goes along with my personality, I'll just do something cause it is funny for others.

I'm bias in the fact that (there's probably a better word than bias) I pretty much assume / dislike Rarity because she's rich, and there's the stereotype that rich people are stuck up (and I don't really like her personality anyway).There's really nothing wrong with Applejack either, it's just that I find some southern accents annoying.

Someone might've put out a refrence; I'm not sure. Nobody got it, anyway, and I'm not sure if it was what I think it was.

But Rarity is a total badass!
Ah don't much mind south'ern accents, Ah find them more funny if anything.

I drop references to just about everything all the time, usually from old comedy movies.

I usually "get along" with Rarity unless she's being really selfish or something (ex. The Rainbow Dash "moral support" episode (no accurate titles here)). Applejack too; I'm learning to get used to both of them.

I don't socialize much, so I'm in the neutral zone on most peoples' "like meter".

I didn't like Rarity at first, but see has grown on me, Pinkie Pie as well. Though Twi and Rainbow have always been my favorite for some reason.

I socialize pretty well if I have to, it is not something I always like doing, but I will on occasion.

Sometimes I will, but most of the time I prefer to keep quiet.

Rainbow Dash has grown on me a bit (Lyra and Trixe as well; going with the philosophy that Trixie can "redeem" herself, that she just needs "help" (I would say love but that's extremely corny)).

Once I start talking I do not shut up, I usually talk myself into some awkward situation as well.

Grown on you a bit? Only a bit? She was always awesome to begin with (I was sold at "Are you a spy?!"). Lyra's fanon is just so hilarious I cannot dislike her; as for Trixie, still can't stand her at all. Never liked the Trixie with so-and-so fics, only kinda liked her in The Empty Room.

I talk a bunch around my friends.

Bleh. As I said, I don't like Trixie as of her current state in the show (cannon). I probably don't like her in most other fics; the authors go to portray her as in the show and strive her in character. You probably won't find a changing Trixie unless it's a fic centered around "Trixie's redemption". It might also be hidden as a sub-plot somewhere in some story, but I haven't seen too many sub-plots around here (then again, my range of what I have read versus what I haven't isn't very wide).

I generally read stories that have characters I like from the show, so there is an inherent bias against Trixie fics. I shy away from the whole "Lunaverse" since it features Trixie and not Twilight as the student, and one does just not replace Twilight as the most powerful unicorn.

I didn't intentional read a Trixie story where she redeems herself, it just popped up kinda randomly.

I have never heard of the Lunaverse; I'm going to assume it's a place where things are opposite (Luna is ruler; Celestia is like Luna, etc.) from the name.
I'm going to speculate and say that Applejack is Rarity, Rarity is Applejack, Twilight is Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash is Twilight, Pinkie is Fluttershy and Fluttershy is Pinkie, among other things. I have no idea who Discord would be (Celestia? But that would throw the whole 'Luna and Celestia' thing off if so be it). Gilda is...? Chrysalis is... Cadance? Cadance is Chrysalis? It's actually pretty interesting to speculate on that.

From what I have read about it, Trixie is Luna's student and the Element of Magic, that right there was a put off to me. My head canon was like, "NO, never gonna happen, Twilight is magnitudes more powerful then Trixie, stupid Element of Magic." But then another part of my brain was like...

But you'd be with Celestia because of opposites..., right?

In the sun, no thank you. Celestia can boil by herself for all I care (ok, that was harsh, but Celly is a troll).

Celly, Twi, RD, Rainbow, Pinkie, AJ, what's next?

(In a fic I read, the main character called Luna, Lunatic, and Celestia, Tia.)

You seemed to have forgotten Lyra. Though I really don't know where you are going.

I was listing off nicknames.

Is RD, Pinkie, Rainbow, Dash, and AJ nicknames or just shortening a name? I would consider Celly and Lulu a nickname, but not Tia since it is part of her original name.

I guess the first handfull aren't really nicknames (outside of being non-formal anyway). Also, Lulu is just the changing of one a, and 'Twi' is also a part of Twilight's full name (hey, what a coincidence: 'Tia' and 'Twi' are pretty similar).

Just a coincidence of the words. Many words can be similar if you pick and chose parts.

Like the 'r' in "Fourpony" and the 'r' in "Chimchar458" (somewhat surprisingly, the only similar letter our names have).

Unless you count Four and 4.

That is the one I mentioned and will not read just cause it is in the Lunaverse and Trixie is supposed to be amazing.

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