• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
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Writing graduate who loves cartoon horses and all manner of silly things. Occasionally writes serious stories. A divine Swedish woman drew this avatar.

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Nightmare Night: (Almost) All Will Be Revealed! · 2:51am Oct 20th, 2012

Does anyone even read these things?

While I may not be doing what some of the cool/good authors are doing for October 31st by writing a special story for it, I do have a very special surprise planned. What's the surprise, you ask? Well, my story updates are on Wednesdays, which so happens to be October 31st. Chapter 11 will be posted on that day. Why is this worth mentioning? I consider it the novel's climax, in the sense that Act 3 is the climax in a Shakespearean play. If anyone reading this has been waiting until enough of the story -- or enough cool stuff happens in it -- to take a gander, then Nightmare Night is the night!

Chapter 11 is most certainly the "love it or hate it" chapter, in the sense the trump card of the novel is played. Does it mean you'll know how the book ends, or how much story is waiting to be told? No, of course not, but I can guarantee you will either love the story's concept and direction, and want to see it through to its conclusion, or you'll want to drop it like a hot brick.

Anyway, yeah, that's about it for this feeble attempt at creating hype. I've always considered the first 10 chapters the "relatively" boring, but necessary, part of the story in comparison to the rest of it.

Thanks for reading!

Report GaryOak · 155 views ·
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I don't know if I would call it a climax, more of an initial incident (for lack of a better word/phrase) bridging the gaps between the two halves of the story.

Oddly enough, when I was planning out this story a year ago (yes, it's been that long), I broke everything down into five acts, and structured it like a play would be, though the "act" structure itself is never shown in the story and chapter layout. We are in the middle of "act 3", so to speak, ending with chapter 11.

"The third act is that of the climax, or turning point, which marks a change, for the better or the worse, in the protagonist’s affairs. If the story is a comedy, things will have gone badly for the protagonist up to this point; now, the tide, so to speak, will turn, and things will begin to go well for him or her. If the story is a tragedy, the opposite state of affairs will ensue, with things going from good to bad for the protagonist. Simply put, this is where the main part happens or the most dramatic part."

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I have writing it!

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