Results and other stuff (TDMAIE stuff and other pointless things) · 1:07am Oct 16th, 2012
Well, the results from my last blog are in.... a week ago, and it seems most of you want me to try to blend the two options I gave you into one. This will either go very well, or crash and not work at all. Ehh, you asked for it. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Anyway, I would also like to apologize for the long hiatus I took in getting out chapter six. I guess I just haven't been in the writing mood recently. I find myself rather worried, this was exactly what happened when I tried to continue my last (awful) story, but I hope I will be able to overcome it this time. Does anyone have any advice for getting back into my normal routine, normally I just went off and read a book or two in between chapters, but since I've kinda read through my entire library of novels, that isn't much of an option this time. Any help would be very appreciated.
I don't really have much to say anymore, this blog is rather pointless looking back at it now, but ah well, I feel as if I need to say something for some reason. See ya later, figuratively of course, I probably won't actually see you anytime soon, at least not in the flesh.