You Should Thank My Editor, Because of Him I'm Gonna Be Updating Soon (TDMAIE0 · 12:14pm Nov 8th, 2012
Now, you've probably noticed that I haven't updated The Dragonborn's Magical Adventure in Equestria in.... well, a while. It's not that I don't want to update, I've just been using the time have to do other things, like to play through Amnesia: TDD, and buy an on sale version of Left 4 Dead 2 and have some fun online.
Now my editor and friend, WesternWxyzvv was starting to get annoyed of my lack of any activity. Eventually, his nattering was starting to get annoying, so I offered him, a deal of sorts. If he were to write his own three thousand words story or chapter for a crossover of his choice in one week, I would continue TDAMIE. I thought I would be the victor, but somehow, he pulled it off on the last day and... now I have to continue. An important note was that I was going to do that anyway, but now I'm doing it sooner.
So now all I can do is ask that you thank him for making me hurry the hell up with this story. Or hell, even better, mind taking a look at his? It's a Resident Evil crossover, and it can be found here
Thanks for reading.
Hmm, I guess I can check it out.