• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 6th, 2020


More Blog Posts20

  • 613 weeks
    A Few Parting Words, and a Last Thank You

    It's hard for me to put into words what I want to say right now, largely because I'm not sure I want to. But still, this is something that has been on my mind for quite some time, and I feel as if I have to get it out so I can stop thinking about it. So, here it goes.

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    7 comments · 1,496 views
  • 628 weeks
    I Want to Ask Something (Poll about TDMAIE...sorta)

    I know that most of my blogs get about 10 views, which makes sense, I'm not overly popular and people would rather read stories that blogs. But I do hope enough people read this, because I want to ask a question. A rather important one. To me at least.

    Would you care if I cancelled my story?

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    5 comments · 359 views
  • 633 weeks
    I've Been In a Bit Of a Rut Lately (TDMAIE news and update)

    What I mean, is that I haven't had the time or patience to sit down and finish writing chapter 6 of TDMAIE. I say finishing because that's quite literally all that needs to be done, I have about 80 percent of it done, and I know exactly how it's going to end. It's just that I can't freaking sit my ass down and plug in the last 400 words for the damn thing. One day I just hit a wall when I was

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    1 comments · 400 views
  • 637 weeks
    You Should Thank My Editor, Because of Him I'm Gonna Be Updating Soon (TDMAIE0

    Now, you've probably noticed that I haven't updated The Dragonborn's Magical Adventure in Equestria in.... well, a while. It's not that I don't want to update, I've just been using the time have to do other things, like to play through Amnesia: TDD, and buy an on sale version of Left 4 Dead 2 and have some fun online.

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    1 comments · 315 views
  • 638 weeks
    Another Pointless Update for Anyone (no one) Who Cares (TDMAIE)

    It shouldn't surprise anyone that a glance at my story will reveal that I moved it from Incomplete status, to On Hiatus. My reasons behind doing so are rather simple; I haven't updated in over a month, and I just haven't been in the writing mood for a while. I've tried to resolve it in numerous ways before I just finally decided to lift a metaphorical finger to myself and update the status.

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    0 comments · 515 views

I Want to Ask Something (Poll about TDMAIE...sorta) · 1:51am Jan 9th, 2013

I know that most of my blogs get about 10 views, which makes sense, I'm not overly popular and people would rather read stories that blogs. But I do hope enough people read this, because I want to ask a question. A rather important one. To me at least.

Would you care if I cancelled my story?

That is, my Skyrim crossover, The Dragonborn's Magical Adventure in Equestria. I could give about a thousand reasons why I haven't updated it, but it all comes down to this, I was lazy. I let my laziness get the better of me, and I fell behind at my writing. But yeah, would any of you give half of a crap if I just stopped writing it. I'm nearing a point where I can continue, but I'm not even going to bother if there aren't enough people wanting me too.

That's all for now. Now I just get to wait for the 5 or so people who will end up reading this to read it and hopefully give their opinions.

Thanks for reading.


Report blackjack · 359 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

do not stop i like this story

You know what Regolit? I agree with you.

I have made, many, many errors for my duration on this site. I've lied, I've left promises unfulfilled. I can't finish a single fucking story and I lie straight through my teeth. I'm flawed, very, very flawed, and very often I feel like I should just ditch this account on this site and start anew or hell, not even make a new one to begin with. The only reason I don't is because I still feel that small, tiny urge to, for once, not let anyone down again, despite the fact that I do so constantly. That's why I'm asking this, I just don't want to fuck up again. History repeats itself though, and I probably will. Ah well.

As for you saying I didn't have the plot for this story down, I do. No really, I have the entire thing down, I know the ending, the theme. Everything. And yet I don't continue. I'm not sure that makes me oxymoronic, or just plain moronic.

Thanks for the advice anyway.

Fuck yes I can fucking write some fucking fucktastic one fucking shots...

Yeah... I might. I've been considering it for a while actually.

Oh, I'm still looking for people's opinions BTW.

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