A Few Parting Words, and a Last Thank You · 2:56am Apr 21st, 2013
It's hard for me to put into words what I want to say right now, largely because I'm not sure I want to. But still, this is something that has been on my mind for quite some time, and I feel as if I have to get it out so I can stop thinking about it. So, here it goes.
1) I'm not going to finish The Dragonborn's Magical Adventure in Equestria, and really, were you expecting me too? I'm a fast writer, but I've written myself into a wall; something an experienced writer wouldn't do. But I'm not experienced at all really, I didn't have any plot thought out when I started this story, and in trying to make one, I kinda got stuck. Well, there's that, and many more reasons to top it off. I could stand here and list them off, but that'd take too long, and I know that no one really cares.
2) I'm leaving this site. This is really the main reason I'm writing this blog, after I post this, I will never sign back on to this account. I've gotten more success than I deserve, much, much more really. I shouldn't get any praise for writing the intro to two crappy stories before ditching them, there are others who deserve it more. I don't want to become that person who writes the intro to dozens of stories before ditching them, as much as I already have. That, and I almost feel ashamed of myself for trying to write out all these massive adventures, the concept of them almost makes me feel childish. I've come to realize that the only reason I post on this site is because I like the reaction of getting upvotes, of getting people to read my stories and tell me they're good. I suppose I just wanted fame, to be the next Kkat or Pen Stroke, as silly a fantasy as that might seem. In doing so I forgot the larger picture; to enjoy writing itself.
Still, this site, and the community on it, has been strangely kind to me. Well, one more reveal, I'm 15. Not very old, and not very experienced. Most people my age who post stories get buried in downvotes; they are immediately discouraged from writing again because they tried to do it before they knew how, yet I have not. It almost makes me feel happy, proud of myself. I just wish I used the opportunity I had on this site to do more than I had. Huh, I guess I'm exaggerating a bit. taking my one point and acting as if it means more than it does. I have a habit of doing that I suppose. Well, thanks for reading my stories and sticking with me for the time I've spent on this site.
Until next time.
Kinda ironic how the story got featured from this post....
Well shit.
I shall miss you comrade
No, really. I find this awesome looking Skyrim story, and-
Well you destroyed more than an account, or story...
Live your life don't be ashamed of what you've done. You are one of the only who got the balls to do it you wrote stories for peoples thzy liked it you should be glad, i don't have your skill still i m good at other thing like you are bad to other things to . Don't let these ideas get in you way push them aside and enjoy your life after all we've all got only one.
That was Potatoe man roger OUT