I've Been In a Bit Of a Rut Lately (TDMAIE news and update) · 2:33am Dec 6th, 2012
What I mean, is that I haven't had the time or patience to sit down and finish writing chapter 6 of TDMAIE. I say finishing because that's quite literally all that needs to be done, I have about 80 percent of it done, and I know exactly how it's going to end. It's just that I can't freaking sit my ass down and plug in the last 400 words for the damn thing. One day I just hit a wall when I was writing, brought on by the fact that I was writing dialogue for Shining Armor, seeing as I have no bloody idea how he would speak in a situation like the one in this story. And once that hit, I just sort of went still. My hands hovered over my keyboard for about ten minutes until I got bored and went off to do something else, I figured I'd simply finish the chapter the next day. Except the next day, I got this...
I spent the rest of my time free time for the next four days playing through this masterful game (I got the low chaos ending if you were wondering, which I'm sure you weren't) and after that, I decided I may as well play it's spiritual prequel, the Thief series. And once I got that out of the way, I figured I'd play through the Deus Ex series. Then I started another damn game that wasn't even related to Deus Ex r Thief simply because it was only ten dollars (Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast) before buying the previous game in the series and playing that, and before I knew, months had passed with TDMAIE and Do'Jzir the oxymoronic khajiit gathering dust at the recesses of my mind. Next I started up playing Chivalry: MW, and after that, the true demon itself appeared.
I started playing through my all time favorite game again. You have to understand, once I started playing Morrowind, nothing could stop me. I ignored offers to hang out with friends, walks with my dogs (they weren't to happy about that), and other such things just so that I could sit in my room and plug more and more hours into the dangerously beautiful isle known as Vvardenfel, continuously putting aside necessary things I had to do, just so that I could spend more time on my computer, playing that wonderful, wonderful game. After a while though, I got bored. Not because I ran out of things to do, but because I'm so good at making Morrowind characters that I actually made one so powerful that there was no challenge left to speak of. It was then, at that moment, that I brought my one decent fic back into my mind.
And so now, I face a choice. You see, there's more games I want to get, Farcry 3, Borderlands 2, and many, many others, but I also know that I've left all my favers and watchers hanging for so damn long. I may or may not get around to writing, but I feel as if I should update, seeing as neither of you have heard word of me for a while... sorry about that.
So in the end, the moral of this story is this: it's Steam's fault.
Might I also say, on an unrelated note, that Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is motherbucking difficult. That is all.