• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 28th, 2020

Snow Bullet

I am Daddy | Yuri and Pantsu is Laifu | SHION takeover | #Fabu

More Blog Posts410

  • 272 weeks
    Sun is still a hoe

    And gay af. But she's my gay af hoe. She posted her last blog but big bet she'll come after this blog. Anyways ive been looking through my blogs and damn I was unique kid. LOL uhum i dont really have anything to say im pretty sure most of my friends on here are doing their own things now. Ahem if you guys want to still contact me tho my discord is


    Read More

    5 comments · 322 views
  • 358 weeks

    I just found Undertale's soundtrack on spotify. . . WHAT IS MY LAIFU

    0 comments · 462 views
  • 366 weeks
    When you have that one friend who is fake af

    -Claims other art (when we find a face reveal he calls it a catfishpic)
    -Lies so often.
    -pretends about something he's not.
    -Makes sure you know he has a life better than yours.

    7 comments · 428 views
  • 366 weeks
    Friend made a speedpaint

    Idk I really enjoyed it so if you wanna watch it and support here.

    4 comments · 410 views
  • 369 weeks
    Im going through all my old blogs

    I realize

    1.) Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days
    2.) Sometimes I wish they never happened
    3.) I was pure cringe
    4.) I never posted a blog on my birthday. >:( I LOW-KEY TRY TO GUYS

    5 comments · 366 views

I just noticed I haven't talked to my friends in ages. [ASK ME ANYTHING CAUSE IM BORED] · 10:21pm Nov 2nd, 2017

How is everyone?

I'm doing swell.

Report Snow Bullet · 312 views · #Fabu
Comments ( 16 )

Hello! I'm doing okay thank you for asking.

Anything you say *looks at SFW question sheet* shit

1. What is your favorite horror anime?
2. What is your favorite assassin creed game?
3. What is your favorite youtuber?
4. Have you ever wanted to have ultimate talents?
5. Do you like rap?
And finally
6.can you put this question number into a illuminati confirmed equation?

How do you feel about people shipping Ruby and Oscar?

I think ewwwwwwww no

And I'm fine


Am managing as well as one can expect.

Have you seen the newest EQG shorts trailers?

1. None.
2. Never played it.
3. Aviencloud or Meeluffs (1st is a music, 2nd is speed speedpaint) I barely go on other youtubers channels anymore to call them my "favorite".
4. Yes?
5. Depends, I like rap sometimes it depends on the genre rap is presented in and how they are rapping.
6. No.
Sorry I'm boring.


It’s fine I’m more ordinary than most though

Agreed, it must be burned with cleansing fire

Comment posted by TheArquius deleted Nov 3rd, 2017

why are we here lol

Am up and down. As usual.

Thoughts on RWBY Volume 5 so far?

It's been a rocky week, but I'm fine.

4715817 Supar grate, Wiess summoning the ice knight made me cry. The opening is awesome. Adamn (get it) is a hoe. Raven is a hoe. I cri for Wiess. Wiess is bae. White Fang has a bit of sympathy because fukin propaganda en shit. BlackSun is trash but I'm fine with Sun being there for Blake. Oscar and Ruby getting together should never happen, and it should die. Did I mention Wiess is bae?

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