Sun is still a hoe · 6:04am Nov 16th, 2019
And gay af. But she's my gay af hoe. She posted her last blog but big bet she'll come after this blog. Anyways ive been looking through my blogs and damn I was unique kid. LOL uhum i dont really have anything to say im pretty sure most of my friends on here are doing their own things now. Ahem if you guys want to still contact me tho my discord is
And if you wanna follow me on another social media platform
My instagram is @c_w_t_h
Sun is a thottie
Sssssssshhhhhhh im waiting
Hey, it's been awhile.
Idk who you areeeee uuhhhh yeah it's been a while gosh wow yes totally.
Elec, does that name rings a bell? I've been following you since 2015. I changed my name to RNBW, because... RWBY.