• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
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Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )

More Blog Posts72

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    Yukito's Yellow Nuzlocke saves the day! - Day #11

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Yukito's Yellow Nuzlocke is mada mada dane - Day #9 · 10:00am Oct 7th, 2017

Darogh awoke and proceeded onto Cycling Road, where he encountered many motocyclists clearly disatisfied with their own life-choices and desperate to prove... SOMETHING. Many of them made the mistake of using Poison-type Pokémon, which Sally was able to dispatch swiftly using her Dig.

For the ones that use Fighting-type Pokémon, Podders and Ok For Now split the work between them, save for the one Primeape who scored a 5-hit, critical Fury Swipes and almost killing Ok For Now. For him, The King himself paid a personal visit and Horn Drilled into his chest, exploding his heart and killing him instantly. Too merciful, Darogh thought, but at least it was dead.

As he continued south, going downhill and taking on more cyclists, Darogh encounter a wild Ponyta. Weakening it was simple, as was capturing it, and ArsonHorse joined the team('s box).

By the time they reached the bottom, Sally had received a monstorous power boost, now almost matching King Urple himself. ALMOST. Leaving Cycling Road and entering Route 18, Darogh encountered a few bird-fanatics (a little TOO fanatic) and murdered their avian friends with Krapfish's Thunderbolt. Exploring the area a bit, Darogh encounter a Doduo. He told Krapfish to merely weaken it with a Bite, but it turns out Krapfish was hungry, and ate the puny bird whole. Oh well, will not be missed.

After resting up at the Fuschia Pokémon Center, Darogh felt confident enough to take on the Gym. Sally took out the first trainer's Drowzee and Kadabra with some effort, and after treating her mind-scars with a Super Potion, Darogh challenged Trainer #2. His Hypno proved challenging, and Darogh withdrew Sally when it was clear a crit would murder her. Krapfish proved to be just as vulnerable, though, but his health gave him something of a better chance.

It was at this point that Darogh realised that his only Pokémon not weak to Psychic were a little behind in their training. After a few close calls with Hypno's Psychic, Krapfish was finally able to kill it without dying. Still, though, this battle was a wake-up call. Darogh's team needed more training before they took on this Gym.

Darogh left the Gym and returned the Pokémon Center, presenting the bloodied-up Sally Mndr and Krapfish for Nurse Joy to heal. Once healed, Darogh headed south, taking out two Swimmers, one of whom seemed to be a seer as he predicted Darogh's death at the hands of a heart attack. Drk Mousey swept them both, and then entered the strange house to his side. Inside, a strange man offered to put Drk Mousey on a surfboard so that he could "shred them sick waves, yo". Darogh simply nodded, offering Drk a pair of sweet shades.

Drk Mousey... could have done better.

After trashing the obviously-cheating-surfer-man's house, Darogh left Fuschia City to the West, deciding to take the route looping back around to Lavender in order to train up his team. After a few encounters with some Grass-users, Sally Mndr had consumed enough souls to reach the final, beautiful stage of her evolution; Sally Mndr had evolved into a wonderful, glorious Charizard.

After some more battles, Drk Mousey and Podders had caught up to the party's leaders, King Urple and Sally Mndr. Darogh spied a patch of grass containing Bellsprouts and, while he knew that nobody could ever replace Belle-chan, perhaps there would still be a suitable alternative in there.

Alas, all he encountered was an Oddish. Eh. Just... eh. So eh that he even named it Ehhhhhhhhh.

Disappointed, and tired, and his party filthy and somewhat poisoned, Darogh returned to Fuschia City to rest up for the day, opting to continue this leg of his journey tomorrow.

Day 9:

Friends gained: 2 (20 total)
Deaths: 0 (2 total)
Badges: 4

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