Yukito's Yellow Nuzlocke saves the day! - Day #11 · 10:45pm Oct 12th, 2017
A new dawn, a new day. Darogh departed from the Fuschia City Pokémon Center and headed up, paying a visit to the Pokémart and stocking up on Hyper Potions, Full Heals and Ultra Balls, as well as unloading his junk items and TMs, before heading to the Safari Zone.
Paying the outrageously expensive fee of 500 Pokédollars, Darogh entered the zone and sped through Area 1 without an encounter. In Area 2 he picked up some nutrients and some more TMs to sell, and encountered a Nidorina. He captured it and named her Chill Gril, due to the supposed relaxed nature of the species according to the Pokédex.
Area 3 also yielded no encounters as Darogh zipped through on his bicycle, and in Area 4, Darogh found a pair of wet, sticky Golden Teeth covered in mud and Pokémon feaces. Assuming that these were indeed real gold, Darogh could fetch a mint for these bad boys!
Nearby to the Golden Teeth, Darogh found a small hut with a lonely man inside, who gave Darogh the HM for Surf as a reward for finding the "secret house".
Leaving the hut, Darogh taught Surf to Krapfish and traversed the puddle below him, reaching a patch of grass wherein he encountered a Tauros. Against all odds, Darogh caught the Tauros with a mere two Pokéballs, and Billy Bull was sent to the box.
Looping back to Area 1, Darogh attempted to find something worthwhile in the water near to the start, but the only things that he could fish out with his Super Road were Magikarps.
As the time ran out, Darogh left the Safari Zone. Back in the city, Darogh sought out a potential buyer for his Golden Teeth - however, he stumbled upon the original owner of said teeth, the so-called "Warden", who proceeded to put the dirty teeth into his mouth without first washing them and awarded Darogh with the HM for Strength.
After teaching Strength to Phat Beatz and stealing the Warden's Rare Candy, Darogh returned to the Pokémon Centre and withdrew Two Balls. He taught Two Balls Fly and flew to Saffron City, where he promptly returned Two Balls to the box and headed north to the Gym.
Unable to access the Gym due to Team Rocket's shenanigans, Darogh settled for the Fighting Dojo to the side. Podders swept his way through the Dojo, stepping aside at the end to let King Urple take the stage for the final battle. Despite a poor decision on Darogh's end that could have ended The King's life, King Urple's reign proved supreme and the battle was won!
As a reward, Darogh was gifted a Hitmonchan that he named Rocky B., and lovingly stuffed into Bill's PC. Seeing that Rocket were still blocking access to the Gym, Darogh turned his attention towards the Silph building, where Rocket seemed to be attacking. The police seemed to be doing nothing, so Darogh took matters into his own hands by the now-unguarded building and storming through the Rocket grunts that were holding the Silph Co. employees hostage.
Taking down many Pokémon, improving his team's powers, and meeting a confused Rocket who seemed intent on brandishing Darogh a traitor, Darogh plundered the Silph Co. tower of many treasures, including vitamins, recovery items, and TMs. From one such TM, Darogh bestowed Phat Beatz the power of Self-destruct, hoping that a time would never come where he would need to use it.
Forgetting for a moment why he was there, Darogh left the building to rest at a Pokémon Centre - then suddenly remembered and returned to the building, navigating its odd structure of portal technology to reach... Cunt?
So after defeating Cunt, Darogh was supposedly read to battle "Boss Rocket"... Moving right along, Darogh encountered Jesse and James. Phat Beatz struggled but defeated their Weezing, and Sally Mndr took over to destroy their remaining Pokémon. With only one more target left in his way, Darogh switched Krapfish to the front of the party and pressed on to battle Giovanni, AKA "Boss Rocket".
After Krapfish drowned all of Boss Rocket's Pokémon, and almost drowned the head of Silph Co., too, Boss Rocket roared and teleported out of the building. For his efforts in saving Silph Co. from Boss Rocket, Darogh was awarded the prestigous-yet-useless-in-a-nuzlocke-run Master Ball!
And so, with Saffron City... maybe saved? Darogh returned to the Pokémon Centre to rest up, ready to take on the Saffron Gym the following day.
Day 11:
Friends gained: 3 (24 total)
Deaths: 0 (3 total)
Badges: 5
Aww. You didn't pick up the Lapras?
Nuzlocke rules are:
In every new area, you can catch only the first wild Pokémon you encoutner (exempting species-clause) and only 1 event Pokémon. Now, I'm not sure what the OFFICIAL Nuzlocke stance is on Silph and the Dojo, but I've chosen to count them both as being part of Saffron City, and since I already got Hitmonchan that exempts me from getting Lapras. Besides, I already have Krapfish... .... ...
I always considered the dojo and Silph different areas. But since they're both in Saffron, that would make sense.