• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 6th, 2020


More Blog Posts20

  • 612 weeks
    A Few Parting Words, and a Last Thank You

    It's hard for me to put into words what I want to say right now, largely because I'm not sure I want to. But still, this is something that has been on my mind for quite some time, and I feel as if I have to get it out so I can stop thinking about it. So, here it goes.

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    7 comments · 1,495 views
  • 627 weeks
    I Want to Ask Something (Poll about TDMAIE...sorta)

    I know that most of my blogs get about 10 views, which makes sense, I'm not overly popular and people would rather read stories that blogs. But I do hope enough people read this, because I want to ask a question. A rather important one. To me at least.

    Would you care if I cancelled my story?

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    5 comments · 358 views
  • 632 weeks
    I've Been In a Bit Of a Rut Lately (TDMAIE news and update)

    What I mean, is that I haven't had the time or patience to sit down and finish writing chapter 6 of TDMAIE. I say finishing because that's quite literally all that needs to be done, I have about 80 percent of it done, and I know exactly how it's going to end. It's just that I can't freaking sit my ass down and plug in the last 400 words for the damn thing. One day I just hit a wall when I was

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    1 comments · 399 views
  • 636 weeks
    You Should Thank My Editor, Because of Him I'm Gonna Be Updating Soon (TDMAIE0

    Now, you've probably noticed that I haven't updated The Dragonborn's Magical Adventure in Equestria in.... well, a while. It's not that I don't want to update, I've just been using the time have to do other things, like to play through Amnesia: TDD, and buy an on sale version of Left 4 Dead 2 and have some fun online.

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    1 comments · 315 views
  • 637 weeks
    Another Pointless Update for Anyone (no one) Who Cares (TDMAIE)

    It shouldn't surprise anyone that a glance at my story will reveal that I moved it from Incomplete status, to On Hiatus. My reasons behind doing so are rather simple; I haven't updated in over a month, and I just haven't been in the writing mood for a while. I've tried to resolve it in numerous ways before I just finally decided to lift a metaphorical finger to myself and update the status.

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    0 comments · 515 views

What Direction Should I Take? (TDMAIE survey) · 1:21am Oct 11th, 2012

I am at a bit of an impasse as to what direction I should take in my future chapters, and there are a few good reasons. First off, if you've ever read a direct crossover, something I am sure most of you have, then you know that most of the time, there are two things that can happen.

In one of them, the crossed over character is brought into Equestria, and generally just lives there for a while. Nothing overly amazing happens; the world generally don't blow apart into war, and the character spends quite a bit of time learning about the new kingdom and its customs. This can be rather tame, but many of these are still incredibly enjoyable.

Then there are the other crossovers. The ones where the character ends up in Equestria and within minutes things are dying, ponies are fighting, it's general madness, and on top of that, a hell of a lot of fun to read. My fic is currently going in this direction, but there is a flaw with that.

You see, I have a lot of plans for this, for how Do'Jzir, my crossed over character, is going to interact with Equestria, mostly in non violent ways; what relationships and friendships he will build with the characters, and in general, a bit more talking than the pure katana swinging rampage that covers a whole damn chapter.

Anyway, I know ask you all, or at least, I ask all of you who bother to read my blogs (Note: please do, I actually post important stuff in them) what way you want me to proceed with this. Do you want this story to be about a full out war against the hordes of Oblivion and Equestria, or one where the character lives among the ponies while still having to deal with the crisis, but more in the background than anything.

Yes, this is a bit of an odd question, but it really falls down to this: More action less story, or more story less action. I leave it up to you.

As always thanks for reading.


Report blackjack · 301 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Hmm, I don't know. Can you try to make it a mix?
Either way you choose, keep it up man, this is a rather well done fic, I would hate to see it get cancelled like your FE fic

The ones where the character ends up in Equestria and within minutes things are dying, ponies are fighting, it's general madness, and on top of that, a hell of a lot of fun to read.

pweeeeeeeeeeesssseee? :applecry:

You should have him doing more background while occasionally having him closing an Oblivion gate that will open, and give the sigil stone to Twi of Celestia to inspect, harness, etc etc.

more story... nuff said...:ajbemused:

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