• Member Since 24th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Sunday


Canadian Brony!

More Blog Posts6

  • 191 weeks
    New title new direction!

    So here it is at least I'm finally getting off my ass and continuing my story formally known as snapped, lots of changes are going to be made any feedback is appreciated just no trolls aloud.

    2 comments · 340 views
  • 339 weeks
    Currently working on other stuff, apologies to fans of snapped.

    Hey everyone sorry for not updating Snapped I got side tracked with work and I ended up starting a new story that I haven't uploaded to fimfiction yet.

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    0 comments · 425 views
  • 380 weeks
    Bad news

    Unfortunately I won't be able to continue Snapped I am too busy with work and education.

    So that being said I'm willing to let someone take over if they are willing and will not deviate from the grand design.

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    2 comments · 422 views
  • 382 weeks
    Good news

    Good news fellow bronies and paggasisters Snap has got an editor as of today special thanks to XtremeDarklord

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  • 382 weeks
    Chapter 2 of snap out now

    Hey everybrony and paggasister chapter 2 of snap is out now, but like chapter 1 still needs editing, and yes I am still looking for an editor so if anyone is interested pm me please.

    0 comments · 257 views

Bad news · 4:26am Jun 23rd, 2017

Unfortunately I won't be able to continue Snapped I am too busy with work and education.

So that being said I'm willing to let someone take over if they are willing and will not deviate from the grand design.

With the ball already rolling it should be easy and I'm also willing to let you have my last 4 chapters to make tweaks and changes as long as you don't make Elliott look like a hesitant little bitch, this is a revenge fic plain and simple, it should be full throttle all the time, at least that's what I invisoned.

So if anyone is interested P/M me and I'll tell you what I had planed for this fic in as much detail as possible so then you have an idea of where to go with it.

So that being said I give whoever is interested creative freedom as long as its done in at least the general direction of my grand design...

Report Midian9013 · 422 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I would give continuing it a try(even though I'm not a very good writer. Look at the story I'm currently writing for proof), if it weren't for the fact that I don't write anything with extreme amounts of gore in it(I can read it fine, but trying to write it makes me sick to my stomach). I honestly wish I was able to attempt to continue this story(Curse you, repressed empathy for living things!!). Anyway, I hope that you do well in your academics. I've been very slow in working on my story that I have posted and one that I am planning on posting due to academics as well. Best of luck to you in the future. :twilightsmile:

I hope I'm not to late if I get that grand design I'm going to try to finish this I don't know if the author will get back on anytime soon I will take a shot at it

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