• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


Oh, look at me... you've got me tearing up again. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.

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  • 1 week
    shhhhhhhhhhhh just breaking the site again don't mind me

    very, very, very experimental fic continues its slow progress as the deadline for bicyclette's sci-fi contest draws near. these chapters are about on-par with what if in terms of length, but oh boy have they been an interesting experience to write.

    6 comments · 79 views
  • 1 week
    hey hey btw i've got a (couple of) public minecraft server(s)!

    yeah so anyway here is my webbed site lol. there's an MC Classic server for building whatever, and an MC Beta 1.7.3 server for playing survival. I might eventually also put up a modern vanilla server as well, though given how I'm hosting a bunch of servers already for friends and a couple of discord servers, idk if the little slab of a PC I'm using to host 'em all would be able to manage lol.

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    0 comments · 64 views
  • 2 weeks
    summer break is almost here :V

    basically got one week left lol. got an experimental fic in the works that's a sort-of direct sequel picking off right where Splintershard ended. no prior reading is necessary.

    MAN it's been a while since I've toyed with writing styles.

    1 comments · 52 views
  • 4 weeks
    mojang says that the latest minecraft snapshot needs a 64-bit OS to run.

    i said "nuh uh".

    (and then i suffered.)

    1 comments · 67 views
  • 5 weeks
    also april fools shitpost got changed to something else btw

    walked into a wall or something idk. never was able to get past 800k words with the fic based on the "the bride and the ugly-ass groom" meme

    1 comments · 76 views

Daily Blog #3 · 2:42am Jun 17th, 2017

Random Facts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Early designs of the Raspberry Pi prototype were based on ATMega microcontrollers instead of the Broadcom SOC that they are today.

Faster-than-light travel by conventional means is physically impossible without things like quantum entanglement to help along the way.

There’s a USB adapter for just about every game controller imaginable.

The Nintendo Switch is the first Nintendo console to utilize an Nvidia GPU.

A thermos can insulates hot/cool liquids by creating a barrier between the outside and inside, typically using materials such as foam.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Welp. I know that I probably won’t have very good of a summer break.

I should really come up with a name for the sequel to Space Horse soon. I’m on the final stretch of the story.

Just for the sake of being able to do anything productive while the internet’s out, I’ve went ahead and dug out my old copy of Office XP that I bought a few years back and installed it. Hopefully, the rich-text paste will turn out decent.

I’m actually getting tired about ranting about Comcast. Maybe if I start a patreon or something I can get myself a nice broadband hotspot or something. ‘Cause at least that way, I don’t have to worry about having my service drop out entirely. The last time I had anything like that was when my parents were still on Verizon. With their phones they also got a free wireless broadband hotspot, but the data fees for that thing were crazy. Though, to be fair, this was back when the data usage for mobile hotspots and phones were associated with per-text fees and per-minute fees. It wasn’t expected to be used to stream Youtube half a day straight.

My little brother just asked me what Android was. About two seconds after I told him, he asked me the same thing. Again.

Comments ( 4 )

How does quantum entanglement help with FTL? Just curious.

Quantum entanglement allows movement and other properties of a particle to be transferred across vast distances instantaneously, meaning that the aforementioned movement transfer would’ve had to happen faster than the speed of light.

Ahhh. Okay. Now we just need to figure out how to get a person to go through that.

Yup. Right now only single particles can be entangled, which is why quantum computers use them to store data. Two states at once, with a single controlling point.

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