• Member Since 29th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Silver Butcher

I shall Butcher your dreams

More Blog Posts297

  • 6 weeks
    Test readers needed

    I need a person or two to read the next chapter of Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos and help me get the chapter rolling again, I have some writers block and need a hand, (It's not the entire chapter obviously and even the stuff you do read might be changed or expanded upon later)

    Read More

    8 comments · 127 views
  • 10 weeks

    I decided it was time to try writing outside of MLP fanfiction. So I will be spending some of my time as Webnovel.com working on my own original stories.
    If anyone wants to read them Just look me up there as Silver_Butcher
    But don't worry I still plan to work on my Pony stories, I enjoy working on them.

    4 comments · 72 views
  • 11 weeks
    Writers block

    I am suffering from writers block. Someone give me a rare Spike ship so that i might use the power of a one-shot to cure my creative blues

    15 comments · 132 views
  • 12 weeks
    What was your childhood game?

    For me, the first game that comes to mind is Jak and Daxter, I had the first 2 games and never beat the 2nd one due to the disk being damaged.
    To day I bought the first 2 games on ps5 and I can't remember the last time I got hit with so much nostalgia.
    So what was your childhood game?

    13 comments · 110 views
  • 14 weeks
    How much wood would a woodchuck, chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


    What the Hell even is a Woodchuck?

    5 comments · 116 views

Unfortunate brake · 4:07pm Apr 9th, 2017

from May 5th to an unknown time, I won`t be writing stories. my laptop is a school issue, and my parents(AFTER A YEAR!!!) still haven't found the time to give me a room to sleep in. so from May 5th on, no more stories updates, I`ll still be able to login via phone, but no story writing.

Report Silver Butcher · 340 views · #sorry
Comments ( 3 )

Man that suck! Don't worry buddy,Parent are hard but they are fair anyway i'm with You my friend. Be brave :pinkiesad2:

4490048 I shall be, thanks buddy :rainbowkiss:

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