Legend of the Everfree · 1:55pm Jan 17th, 2017
Well I finally watched it, and holy shit what a movie this was.
A lot different then the others I watched, but its definitely up there as a damn good movie.
SPOILERS AHEAD So if you don't wanna see, don't read dude.
So I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about this when it first came out. Mostly because I heard they were getting super powers, and I wasn't so sure how I felt about them getting powers. But after watching this movie, I gotta say I was impressed with how it went.
Though I can't say I like the villain plot that was Gloriosa. Just your simple money hungry and grubby dude who in turn forced the once nice character of Gloriosa into turning into a super villain so the main cast can knock em down a peg after getting super powers and shit and return everything to normal and happy go times for everyone.
But still I thoroughly enjoyed the movie from start to finish.
Timber Spruce was a freaking nerd and weirdo at some parts, creepy in a couple of others but he was actually pretty likable in the movie.
Gloriosa, eh, she was an alright villain if I'm being honest.
Loved hearing Derpy talk again, hahaha. And I do believe I saw Vinyl's lips moving in the background when she was talking with Fluttershy... not sure how I feel about that.
And Flash fucking Sentry... they actually made him a bit more likable which I found surprising, like it felt like he had just a tad bit more character to him. Not a lot, but enough.
And they now have super powers, the Mane 7 of course. All because of seven stones that just so happen to fit their color schemes and such, and there just so happen to be seven of them. I mean, I don't hate the powers, or their epic outfits they got and shit, but overall... not sure that, if I ever wrote an EqG story in great length would I include said powers.. maybe.
I dunno, I saw AJ punch a fucking boulder and that was epic.
Boulder punching aside.
There were a lot of good moments in the movie and I would watch it again! And if you haven't seen the movie and you read ahead anyway, watch the movie anyway, its damn good and the soundtrack is amazing.
10/10 DCS, would recommend and watch again.
Haahah, it'll happen... someday