Update. · 12:23am Jan 11th, 2017
Love and Slavery is coming to an end. With Love and Slavery coming to the end I will be picking back up on Prince Blaze Sparkle. However I'll be working on a story called Ark. Which the first chapter I have up already, I've been playing a lot of Ark and learning a lot about the game.
This is a new year, I hope I can make you all great stories. I hope everyone has a great year!
Artwork done by Santagiera
so is Love and Slavery getting a sequel because it doesn't seem quite done yet
4377710 I still have one or two chapters for Love and Slavery, it's not 100% done.
What are you playing Ark on?
PC, XBO or PS4?
I have PS4.
Playing solo is hard.
A friend told me I'd never make any 'real' progress playing solo, so I'm doing it out of spite.
4378416 I'm on PS4. I don't have a great gaming computer to run Ark on. Tho one day I hope I can get a gaming computer so I can play Ark on pc as I hear it's better then the PS4 and Xbox one versions.
4378733 XD.
I'm on PS4 too!
Do you know how to get the Giga skin and Manticore armour that it says your SUPPOSED to get just from buying the game?
4378750 I have the Manticore Armor, you get that from defeating the three bosses you get the chest plate legs pants and arm pieces once all three bosses are defeated to get the helmet you need to go to scorched earth and fight an Alpha Death Worm and you should get the helmet, now for the gigaskin you'll need to just find the guide to find all the dossers and explorer notes and once you do you should be able to get the gigaskin. Also on a side note for fighting the bosses you get the Bionic Rex Skin and you get a trophy as well.
4378799 Okay. I figured I needed to do something to get them, but whenever I used Google it was always some convoluted answer that made no sense.
So what's your PSN username?
4378823 Yeah Google isn't your friend right now with Ark lol I found these out with my brother. I don't wanna give out my PS4 username cuz I like just playing with close friends and family and I don't have a mic
4378927 Well, my username for it is rikusephiroth, in case you change your mind.
I was kind of hoping to get someone to take my PSN friends-list away from the three that I've hade since 2011.
4379953 If I ever change my mind I'll add you