• Member Since 16th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen February 28th


I'm just a guy who enjoys writing stories and making art, please enjoy my work.

More Blog Posts84

  • 21 weeks
    On to another adventure

    Hi, its been awhile, a very long while, so I'm sure there's anyone still visiting this page. But I have a very important an announcement, that is my book Saint Saga The Black Beast is now available on Amazon and is up on Kindle unlimited until May 25th Amazon page if you enjoy my writing, I'm still doing it, just with my own IP.

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  • 66 weeks
    Getting Close

    I don't know if anyone still visits this page, I've not been very active since I started writing my original story and that's what I want to talk about. It's almost done. I'm on the fifth and possibly final draft and I'm hoping to publish it on Amazon this summer. It's called Saint Saga: The Black Beast and it's in a similar vein to Night Patrol 1 and 2, if your fans of that, you might like it.

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  • 119 weeks
    What I've been up too

    It's been awhile since I finished my last fanfic and in the meantime I've been working on my own original novel. I wrote 100k words in 6 months or 200+ pages! I've finished the first Draft in February and have been working on the second draft since mid march. Looking forward to when it's finally finished and I can publish it. My current plan is to publish on amazon, but it would be nice to have a

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  • 155 weeks
    Night Patrol 2 final chapter almost done!

    Hello everypone, I just wanted to update you all that Chapters 73-76 are almost done! Chapters 73-75 are past the first round of edits, with 76 close behind. Once the second round of edits are done, I'll post all the chapters in one go, and that will be the end!

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  • 159 weeks
    Night Patrol 2 Final Chapters

    Hello, everyone, I just wanted bring you all an update on the final chapters of Night Patrol 2. Chapter 72 is done, and half edited. I only got one more round of editing before it's it fully done. And then chapter 73 is kind of started. Both Chapter are a bit shorter.

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Night Patrol art · 4:31am Jan 10th, 2017

Artwork for the readers of Night Patrol and Night Patrol 2, VeeVee, something to celebrate her bigger up coming role in NP2

Report Foxgear · 422 views · Story: Night Patrol · #dragon pony
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