• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
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More Blog Posts106

  • 221 weeks
    A Good Pace

    It's time...

    I made a promise that I'd keep up a good pace now that my life is in a better place. And now I have the second to last chapter.

    We're nearing on the home stretch.

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  • 224 weeks
    Continuing the Flow — My Little Serial Killer

    Sat down today, the day after I published the latest chapter and wrote the first 2,000 words of the next chapter.

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  • 224 weeks
    Getting Ready — My Little Serial Killer

    It's been a long while since I've looked at My Littler Serial Killer with a close eye and saw a LOT that could be edited and improved.

    So, I went through every chapter of My Little Serial Killer these past two days and did a complete overhaul.

    I'm about two-thirds of the way done with the new chapter of My Little Serial Killer. That should be posted by the end of this coming week.

    3 comments · 261 views
  • 225 weeks
    A Bit of My Life's Story These Past Two Years

    So, I became a reporter for a local paper and thought things would change and I'd have a nice, easy life.

    What I didn't expect was to be the only reporter for that local paper. A normal week would see me writing at least six full-length stories. I'd also help put the paper together for publication. I was basically an assistant to the editor in all but name. And pay.

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    6 comments · 339 views
  • 364 weeks
    So, I Thought I'd Get More Time

    Do you know when the busiest time to be a journalist is? September, right up until Christmas. You have local elections you need to keep up on, in addition to what you're normally doing, then Thanksgiving rolls around and like, 8 different entities do something related to that and then Christmas is the same story.

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    1 comments · 555 views

This is what I get for being optimistic. Goddamnit. · 4:31pm Oct 22nd, 2016

Yeah, that new place I'm working?

It's worse.

I didn't account for the time spent driving, the money for gas, the people working there and just how under funded, under staffed and un-knowledgeable some of the people working there are. I'm just in awe. It's just... wow. I can't believe it.

So, I tried to make the best of it, get some work done here and there on my stories and then I realized just how fucked I was. The store is dirty, black mold is growing out of the vents, the people working register there consider 4 people in line a lot and panic when I've had lines of 20 people before and basic things I grasped day 2 of work are foreign concepts to some people there.

On top of that, first week? Something got messed up with my lungs and I ended up with a coughing fit that lasted me 2 days. I needed to go to the hospital and when I called up my boss to let him know, he berated me and guild tripped me into coming into work.


Not having any more of this. I've put in a new application for a place close to me. Until I can get my work situation sorted out, I'm going to have to put some things on hold for the time being.

When the opportunity arises, I will write, but at the moment, things are not looking that good to be honest.

I'll keep you all updated.

Report TheGentlemanCreeper · 489 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I went to the hospital early this year, and I mean the 2nd day of 2016 and I came back 2 weeks later still trying to fight a kidney stone. And I was told by some of the senior staff in the kitchen that they would have waited at least a month before coming back. And I was still the best dishwasher on hand at the time.

If there is mold growing in the ventilation system and it gives you a lung infection, and you are told by your boss that you should come to work, I'd consider legal action. That's hazardous working conditions

Sounds bad. I'm sure you'll be able to make it through this just fine though.

Even if you treat this as just a temporary source of income, at least you won't starve while you carefully find a nice position elsewhere. Perhaps you'll manage to do some good for the place while you're still there, too.

Keep cool and stay strong. :twilightsmile:

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