• Member Since 25th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 19th, 2023

Z-blade Gracin

“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.” -Walt Disney

More Blog Posts7


Remember Us on Hiatus (for now) · 5:15am Oct 18th, 2016

Hey guys,

I bring some bad news. I've hit a writer's block on my latest story "Remember Us" to the point that I may have to put it on hold until I come back to it again. Right now, I have school happening and my mind's switched to a different story that I've been thinking about writing. So, I regrettably have to say that I'll need to postpone this story until further notice. Again, very sorry to do this but I can't work on a story that I don't feel like writing at the moment. :ajsleepy:

As for the other story, it will be a Fallout: Equestria story. I will keep you posted when it is ready to be released. Thank you all for your patience! :pinkiesmile:

Updates on the other stories:

The Baron of Baltimare: As I said in my last update blog, I'm still very much wanting to write this story. I believe that it does have a lot of potential. I will probably start writing in this story once I am further enough along in the Fallout: Equestria story.

The Mysterious Visitor: This story is supposed to be the sequel to the "A Message Written in Light and Shadow" story. Unfortunately, I still need to figure out where I want to go with the overall story before I start writing it. I'll keep you all posted when the situation changes.

That's all with the updates for now. Keep being awesome, guys! :twilightsmile:

Report Z-blade Gracin · 332 views · Story: Remember Us ·
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