• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
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Me. Take it or leave it.

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    Just some thoughts

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    This exists . . .

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FINALLY, a new review! · 4:08am Sep 2nd, 2016

Working on "Dungeons & Discords". Will have it up soon. Promise. :twilightsheepish:

Report LightningSword · 416 views · #New video
Comments ( 14 )

Way do you not like startlight?

You pretty much said everything I've been telling other people who ask about this episode.

Spike and Thorax are quite adorable :twilightsmile:

4186757 Because she was forgiven waaaaay too easily for her crimes, and does absolutely nothing to earn it. All she does is whine, state the obvious, and ask stupid questions. She adds literally nothing to the show. At all.

Sorry, I know some people like her, but I don't. I'm sorry if you do. :ajsleepy:

4186945 its cool i like her butt a dont judge you :raritywink:
Keep Being awesom!

4186945 What Starlight Glimmer has is so much wasted potential. I'm all for Twilight getting an apprentice, but it wasn't natural. Trixie would have made a better apprentice. (Though that would have meant her being knocked down several pegs). I would have preferred Starlight being the Moriarty to Twilight's Sherlock, a brilliant rival who, over the course of a season, becomes increasingly obsessed with Twilight until finally breaking down and admitting Twilight is everything she wants to be.
Which honestly was what I thought we were going to get.

Great review.

I like Starlight but I can easily understand why people don't like her.

This episode in all reality had several things that could have made it better but time was something they didn't have enough of. They needed to get the plot moving, establish Spike's friendship with Thorax, get him exposed and have Spike want to do the right thing, have him sing, and wrap it all up. Not an easy thing to do when you have a time limit.


I would have preferred Starlight being the Moriarty to Twilight's Sherlock, a brilliant rival who, over the course of a season, becomes increasingly obsessed with Twilight until finally breaking down and admitting Twilight is everything she wants to be.

That would have been infinitely better than what we got! :pinkiegasp:

4187571 They do that a lot. As a result, rushed episodes come out, and a rushed product is a shoddy product. :ajsleepy:


It may be rushed but it was still good.

When you do your review of Dungeons and Discords, you have to use clips from the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon. Sorry just a sucker for it.

4189021 I barely know anything about D&D, and those won't be easy to find. Sorry, but I can't really use references that I wouldn't get. :applejackunsure:

4189447 Well the intro is the easiest to find. And some episodes can be found on youtube just search D&D cartoon, that and the episode made enough references to D&D. Though you could find memes all around the net, like this one.

And memes waiting to happen.

Here's the intro if you want it.

4189447 here's an episode if you like.

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