• Member Since 11th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen June 2nd

Nasha Rei Kun

Writing, Read, listening to music and video games are my passions. I do enjoy a good story from time to time, and I'm a Spike fan.

More Blog Posts88

  • 286 weeks
    I've Never Wanted to do This

    This was an idea that I had while trying, and failing, to finish the most recent Finale chapters of This Changeling Life.

    The story is okay, I feel like I wrote the characters well enough for a read, but that finale is kicking me in the teeth. And I’ve already identified the reason.

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    10 comments · 807 views
  • 324 weeks
    I Need to see something

    I'm honestly curious about just how many people assume Naruto is going to stomp in the upcoming battles. Now I'm going to put things into perspective.

    Now, without going too much into spoiler territory, I'm going to say this: Chrysalis's worst match-up IS indeed Naruto. As it is with Aurelia.

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    5 comments · 434 views
  • 336 weeks
    Not a chapter, but I figure anything is better than nothing

    So, yeah I have been kind of falling off my writing game and I sincerely apologize for that.

    No real excuses, I just haven't had the energy to write before this past week, so I'll leave it at that.

    That said, I've been working on it and I'm currently at 7.6k+ words.

    And as proof:


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    2 comments · 422 views
  • 344 weeks
    So, I know I haven't been as active as I used to be...4k+ and counting.

    First off, here:


    Moondancer’s head moved in the direction of Naruto’s presence. She could tell it was him so accurately, even though she was sure he wasn’t using his magic.

    ‘It’s possible that he’s using his chakra instead.’ she surmised before turning her attention back to the group of changelings that barred her path.

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    3 comments · 434 views
  • 362 weeks
    Getting Back Into it

    So I've been all over for a while and working some things.

    I've been working on this Tournament Game thing in Java the past month or so, and I think it's going over well, all things involved.

    I've gone to a few networking events in the past month and have learned and received knowledge that will prove vital to my development.

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    3 comments · 437 views

Omake is about 21k words long, and I'm thinking of cutting it off soon. · 5:10pm Aug 24th, 2016

Yeah, it's getting kind of ridiculous how big this Omake is getting. It's barely even halfway there, and I've written more words for it, than most One-shots.

So I'm gonna cut it short, once it reaches a good halfway point, though that's basically saying there will be a part two to it. In the future, one day.
,a nd get to work on that outline.

Above all else, college has started, and it seems like it's going to be as one would expect with my last year. I'm dealing with FAFSA troubles, because my school's financial coordinators are inept at keeping us updated, or it's just the system standard. I'm deal with this crap again.


Getting this out soon, so I can finish This Changeling Life.

On the other side of things, I'm going to be entering a few Writing contests. Hopefully I win some sum of money, and I don't have to worry about going to school.

Oh well, onto the Tide Over:

He trekked the way through the forested areas, mindful of any more creatures that may have wanted to attack them should they get the chance. He snorted at the thought though.

“Snorting” definitely fit this new form of his, he couldn’t help but think, as he looked down his muzzle. The large wings twitching along his back, every so often, with each hoofstep. His hair coming down his face, parted by that long horn of his.

Coming to a stop, he looked at the dark blue, almost black, fur that adorned his hoof, before speaking to those with him.

“We’ll rest here for a bit, so take a rest you two.” He said to his back, as he sat on his haunches. He heard the sounds of clumsy hoofsteps, before something fell to his side. Looking down at the dark purple horse, with raven like wings, a long horn of the same color as her coat, and a glowing mask like coating around her eyes, Obito shook his head. Turning it to the side of the “Winged Unicorn”, he saw that purple and green dragon whelp crawling up to meet them.

Said whelp sat down, before turning his head the Uchiha’s way.

“Where do you think we are Obito?” The Uchiha thought on that for a moment, before looking back at the puppy turned drake.

“I think we’re in Equestria. Guys welcome to the, apparently, land of ponies, magic and friendship. Twilight’s portals brought us here.” The said dark coated Winged Unicorn looked around in wonder, before remembering the whole reason they were here.

Head falling to her chest, as a few sniffles escaped her. Spike and Obito looked at her in concern, before the former human found herself embraced around the foreleg by Spike.

“It wasn’t your fault.” She had several very harshly worded opinions about that, but she knew what he was trying to do. She brought the former puppy into a hug, holding him close as she cried.

She cried some more, at the stupidity of her actions, only to jump slightly when she felt a wing folded over her form. Teary eyes looked over to the male Winged Unicorn on her left, his dark eyes always forward in vigilance.

“It’s going to take time. You feel guilty, right?” She nodded her head at his question, tears falling, and he nodded himself. “Then don’t beat yourself up, too much over this. Look at it this way, you finally get to look at this magic you wanted to see so much.” He saw her grimace.

“I wanted to study it. I didn’t want this.” He pulled her and Spike closer, before bringing his chin to rest slightly on her temple. She closed her eyes, leaning into his touch, as Spike just enjoyed the moment.”

At that very moment, there was a sound, as something chose to land in front of them at that moment.

Obito immediately stood on his four hooves in attention. His eyes narrowed, as the form of another horse, one with dark blue armor and an obscuring helmet, made themselves known.

This one looked like a pegasus, no horn on her head, as she looked at them in shock, before they narrowed in suspicion.

“Who are you?” She questioned, as she looked at Twilight and Spike, before she turned her head to Obito and froze.

The Uchiha had snuck up on her, mindful of his own hooves, towering over the pegasus. He bore down on her with his Sharingan eyes, catching her in a trance.

He interrogated her, using a genjutsu to make the process more seamless, before he made her bring them to where her “Mistress Nightmare” lay.

They walked, seeing as neither of them knew how to fly with these appendages of theirs.

When they made it to the castle, they could already hear something going on inside. The illusioned mare shook her head, as he broke the illusion, and pushed forward.

“Wha? Where? Hey! You can’t-!” He pushed on anyway, and the doors gave way to a curious sight.

All those who were making noise behind the doors, turned to the entering Uchiha and froze at the sight of him. Twilight moved behind him, Spike near her, and they too froze at the sight before them.

Two more Winged Unicorns stood there stunned, as a familiar looking dragon floated in chains, gaped at them.

The ponies all around the two, dressed in regalia in the bearing of a crescent moon stared in astonishment, as Uchiha made his presence known.

Obito didn’t allow the shock of seeing another Twilight, one with lighter fur and no extra pigments, to reach his face. He turned his gaze over from the Twilight alternate, to the sole other Winged Unicorn in the room.

“Would someone like to tell me, where the hell I am?”


She coughed harshly, the smoke and heat drying out her mouth almost immediately, as she struggled to make her way out of the club.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Just a few pyrotechnics, nothing really serious. Then it all went wrong, because some dumbass with a beer bottle didn’t think about staying AWAY from the “shiny lights”.

It had been a gig in the city. THE CITY! She didn’t get those often, and so when one came up, she jumped ship almost immediately. Ponyville was all fine, and stuff, but the city was where you made it. She’d had a few of these, and the pay was always great. The people...could use a attitude adjustment for the most part, but if you knew who to avoid, it was great!

She coughed once more, and held an arm to her mouth to protect her lungs from the smoke.

She limped as she tried to find her way towards some form of exit. Night, the smoke and the glowing lights of broken machinery weren’t making it easy for her. She limped and tripped, she’d lost her glasses some time ago, so she didn’t have to worry about losing what wasn’t there.

She felt her vision get blurry, as she did her best to get back up. She looked at what tripped her, and wish she hadn’t.

Burned, and crusty, but it was an obvious human limb. She’d have vomited, but she did her best to hold it in, she couldn’t afford to focus on it. She had to...get...out.

She heard a crumbling sound, and looked up. Her red-purple irises reflecting the falling support beam of the club.

She used all her strength to dodge out of the way, and had to shield her face from the resulting cloud of dust and smoke.

She coughed again, and tried to focus on getting out, only to find that her mind couldn’t focus.

‘Wha-what?’ Her vision was blurry, her throat was dry and it was painful to breathe.

Was this how it ended? She gets few moments in the big time, and it ends on one of the best moments of her life?

She hadn’t even gotten to date, yet! She hadn’t gotten to give Octy away at her wedding yet! Or their Joint wedding! It was a weird circumstance but it happened!

She felt the heat encroaching on her legs, and a burning sensation, but she was too tired to do anything.

She could hear more crumbling, and couldn’t muster the energy to see the, most likely, crumbling roof coming towards her.

She simply waited for it.

There was a crash, a tremendous sound that violated her eardrums. She wondered if heaven had headphones? Did they play Angelic remixes?

There was a large amount of vibrations hitting her, as if someone had turned the bass to max, and reduced the treble.

She wasn’t sure, but she knew the fires were still going, but she felt...shielded?

Her vision was still foggy, but she tried to see what had happened.

She saw red tinted vision of, well, everything. Even some of the fires looked like a more vibrant shade of red. Looking down at her hand, nope not red tinted.

“Vi..l..a...me.?” She looked around slowly, mind too suffocated to truly keep up.

The next moment, she felt herself getting picked-up. She looked up at whoever it was that was saving her, and could only make out a black, blobbish figure.

Though there was one thing, or a pair really, that stood out.

Red eyes, that shone like stars, that stared into her own.

“...ight.” She felt her mind fade from the world of the conscious.

Have a ice day guys.

Report Nasha Rei Kun · 100 views · Story: This Changeling Life ·
Comments ( 1 )

Looking forward to this intensely.

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