Random stuff · 11:01pm Jun 22nd, 2016
So, fourth chapter of my story is up......yay~. I've been thinking of where this story should go and I have some pretty big ideas.
Also I am in desperate need of a profile picture, if I can't find one. Anybody interested in helping me just you know.....say something.
Rex(for anybody wondering that really is my name.)
Your name is Rex? Gonna have to remember that.
4055292 yes, yes it is.
Oh, one thing, who is your favorite pony? I believe I can help you find a good profile picture then.
4057592 derpy and or applejack.
I swear, I have SOMETHING laying around.... Give me a min.... I mean like, ten or so more minutes.
4057719 lol thanks.
Here you go.
Same artist I got my profile pic from. Just, ya'know, right click, save image as, yada yada, and upload. If you don't like it, I can find something else tomorrow.
4057753 I love it! Thanks!