• Member Since 31st May, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 17th, 2024

Rangefinder Rewinder

So much time has passed and I'm still just as anti social, hooray.

More Blog Posts5

  • 439 weeks
    I'm not dead

    So, for anybody wondering where I've been, school is hell. Especially when you have issues sleeping, but anyway. I'm still alive! Not dead, I apologize for anybody that was into my story( and or anticipating my other story) it may resume soon. I still need to get the other remaining chapters edited before I finish the currently half done chapter. If anybody can recommend an editor, just pm me. So

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    0 comments · 335 views
  • 447 weeks

    So, for anybody wondering why I haven't updated my story. It's because I'm waiting for the currently existing chapters to be Edited, and as soon as they are finished being edited I will post a new chapter.

    I'm working on the story I talked about in a previous post, it should be done soon.

    0 comments · 334 views
  • 449 weeks
    An idea

    So, there is a possibility of me making another story. That won't be like my other in the slightest. I won't reveal much but, it'll be a horror( or at the least the best horror story an idiot like me could come up with.)

    3 comments · 226 views
  • 449 weeks

    So, after a bit of a hiatus I shall be continuing the story very soon. Also say hi, I love talking to people ill say hi right back.


    0 comments · 212 views
  • 450 weeks
    Random stuff

    So, fourth chapter of my story is up......yay~. I've been thinking of where this story should go and I have some pretty big ideas.

    Also I am in desperate need of a profile picture, if I can't find one. Anybody interested in helping me just you know.....say something.

    Rex(for anybody wondering that really is my name.)

    8 comments · 247 views

Random stuff · 11:01pm Jun 22nd, 2016

So, fourth chapter of my story is up......yay~. I've been thinking of where this story should go and I have some pretty big ideas.

Also I am in desperate need of a profile picture, if I can't find one. Anybody interested in helping me just you know.....say something.

Rex(for anybody wondering that really is my name.)

Comments ( 8 )

Your name is Rex? Gonna have to remember that.

Oh, one thing, who is your favorite pony? I believe I can help you find a good profile picture then.

I swear, I have SOMETHING laying around.... Give me a min.... I mean like, ten or so more minutes.

Here you go.
Same artist I got my profile pic from. Just, ya'know, right click, save image as, yada yada, and upload. If you don't like it, I can find something else tomorrow.

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