• Member Since 1st Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen March 31st


"The road ahead is not easy, but neither is it impossible to travel. Run, Twilight Sparkle. Run."- Wolokai KuRR

More Blog Posts143

  • 301 weeks
    I was in Japan.

    I came back.

    1 comments · 412 views
  • 316 weeks
    Updates coming.


    0 comments · 267 views
  • 323 weeks
    New story out

    Starhoof Valley

    Go take a look!

    0 comments · 287 views
  • 323 weeks
    Line breaks

    Anyone elses line breaks not working quite right...?

    1 comments · 245 views
  • 326 weeks
    The work,


    0 comments · 293 views

I'm still here. · 7:58am Jun 8th, 2016

Report Wolokai · 430 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Go to bed Wolokai :duck:

Hello still here. I am Trixie.

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