• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 18th, 2023

Hidden Scorpius XI

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  • 435 weeks
    After watching "Flutter Bruther."

    Wow. So this is the most adult episode from MLP. Finding a vocation is a hard thing to do, especially with a crippling fear of failure.

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  • 439 weeks
    Rainbow Newbie.

    I am proud to admit that I have never skipped a single episode of FiM during the time I've been watching the show. But "Rainbow Newbie" really tested my patience. Wasn't the plot only cringy, with Rainbow trying to imitate her friends JUST to change the nickname, but it is also a terrible plan to do so, and this lesson is just awful to teach kids. "You don't like a nickname? Well, boo-hoo! Suck

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    4 comments · 438 views
  • 452 weeks
    "Looking for an update"

    Hello anyone that reads this blog. Sorry I've been inactive so much on this account, it really pains me not having worked on anything related to "Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony." I've been focusing a lot on "Persona SH" with both writing and mapping-out, not to mention I've been trying to push forward a chapter for my collab. Emphasis on trying.

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    6 comments · 511 views
  • 462 weeks
    Observations on "The Cutie Re-Mark."

    I hear people everywhere saying that Starlight was willing to go through her revenge even though she knows what'll happen to Equestria. But people seem to keep forgetting that Starlight outright calls what Twilight showed her bullshit (not literally, mind you). Starlight is not convinced at all that her intervention of the timeline actually brings the destruction of Equestria. Whether she doesn't

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    5 comments · 426 views
  • 464 weeks
    About "Hooffields and McColts."

    So, I hear a lot of bronies talking about last week's episode, one that is based on one of the most infamous real life feuds in history. I think it had some good jokes and some weak points, but it was certainly a good episode. However, one thing that I keep noticing is that people compare this episode with what is considered by most to be the worst episode of Avatar: The Last Air Bender.

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Rainbow Newbie. · 2:25pm May 9th, 2016

I am proud to admit that I have never skipped a single episode of FiM during the time I've been watching the show. But "Rainbow Newbie" really tested my patience. Wasn't the plot only cringy, with Rainbow trying to imitate her friends JUST to change the nickname, but it is also a terrible plan to do so, and this lesson is just awful to teach kids. "You don't like a nickname? Well, boo-hoo! Suck it up."

By far, this is, in my opinion, the WORST episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Comments ( 4 )

The most important Rainbow Dash episode since the beginning, the expectations are high. How it turned out?

I think this is one of the saddest entries in the entire series... but for the wrong reasons and I mean sad in the exact same meaning of the word: the comedy, the setting, the character development, the moral, I feel all the plot tiring, old and forgettable. It's not like Trade Ya!, Scare Master, What About Discord? or No Second Prances, which are bad because of how poorly done they are, Newbie Dash is bad because I feel like something has died in the series. Even though I know Hasbro isn't going to kill its "Goose that laid golden eggs" so easily, after watching it it's inevitable to question if MLP has still something to offer or if it's better to say good bye for goods and all.


Don't you think you're being a bit harsh? I mean, sure there are a few problems in the episode, but I don't think it's earned a place as the worst episode... I think this is the best way I can sum up my feelings towards the episode's problems.

The issue here, and that "princess sparkle" is missing, is that THAT nickname is hurtful for Rainbow. She shouldn't have to deal with her idols calling her what ammounts to an insult for her. It is not right.

Do you mean "Newbie Dash"?

If so it's an episode that downright tries to justify bullying by blaming the victims for not enjoying it. Why does RD want to join such an organization when they only want to be the 'best' without actually doing anything other than bully others.

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