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Captain America- Civil War Review · 7:13am May 7th, 2016

Welp. I went to work, got off at 10:20 P.M., and made my way to the theater to catch the 10:45 P.M. showing of the film. Was it worth it? Are the critics right to rave over the third Captain America movie with a 91% score on Rotten Tomatoes? Is this quite arguably the greatest superhero movie conceived since the Dark Knight and the Avengers? Well...

YES! Believe the hype. This movie was AMAZING! The Russo Brothers strike again with easily the best fight scenes in any superhero movie. There was emotional weight to every fight, and all of the heroes had a chance to shine. The Airport scene will melt your heart into a gooey mess of awesomeness. I have a new-found respect for Ant-Man.

No offense, but everything Civil War did right, Batman VS. Superman did wrong. Both Cap (Steve) and Iron Man (Tony) had valid reasons for their arguments. Every time there was a fight, there was emotional weight. The story was cohesive and not all over the place. If you haven't seen Civil War yet, go do so IMMEDIATELY.

Now, without spoiling anything, I can say with an earnest heart that Civil War's MVPs are T'Challa (the Black Panther) and Peter Parker (the Spider-Man). These two guys stole the show with what time they were given. I'm actually surprised Spidey was around as long as he was. Tom Holland has easily become the best actor to portray the role of BOTH the socially-awkward yet intelligent Peter Parker and the quick-witted, wise-cracking Spider-Man.

That's my two cents. GO! Support Civil War!

Comments ( 24 )

Wasn't happy with Peter's comment about Empire Strikes Back. :ajbemused:

Otherwise, the movie was fan-fucking-tastic! Even though he was still in the wrong, I felt so bad for Tony. Everyone was feeling the burden of their failings, but he got hit the hardest in my opinion. It was difficult to choose one side, since both had a lot at stake. But the inclusion of General Ross made Cap's side all the more respectable. You know Ross has an ulterior motive to all this.

Among Black Panther, Ant-Man and good ol' Spidy, I don't know who I like more of the new recruits. T'challa was done especially well. He was charismatic, intelligent, fierce, sympathetic, just all-round likable. I loved the movie Ant-Man, so seeing Scott Lang again was killer. He didn't disappoint in this, I'll say that much. And Peter... perfection! Seeing Tom Holland portray Web-Head makes me super excited to see him in Spider-Man: Homecoming (hmm, the title of the movie is Spider-Man: Homecoming, it comes out in 2017 along with the My Little Pony movie, there's a character in Spiders and Magic titled homecoming... Coincidences? Destiny? Or careful planning, you sly devil.) The only problem I had with Spidy was that his spider sense didn't seem to work half the time.

Overall, this was the best of the MCU movies, and if they keep getting better like this there's no telling what the future holds. Everyone, go see this movie now. It'll give you wonderful pants feelings.

Btw, off subject: Batman v Superman was a great movie. People just bitch too much.:trixieshiftright:


The only problem I had with Spidy was that his spider sense didn't seem to work half the time.

Could have been his lack of experience showing, he had probably never been in a big showdown fight that the airport was and might have been caught up in the moment.

Must agree with the two of you, the movie was amazing and no character really got left out which usually happens when you have to juggle a cast this big. I couldnt really choose a side either, both thought they were in the right. It was hard watching them fight each other since I love both Cap and Iron Man.

But great fucking movie, hopefully we will see the return of Steve Rodgers and his team of vigilanties that they surely are considered now in the Infinity Wars.

I completely concur.

Went and saw an early showing on Thursday. Plan to see it again. :pinkiehappy:

Fully agree. To me, this was the best Marvel movie to date (when I discount Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy because... well.. come on, that wouldn't even be a fair fight :rainbowlaugh:)

The movie was awesome. Anything I could say has already been said (Batman v Superman was still an awesome movie though)

3926753 Yeah. From what we know, Peter's only had his powers for six months (meaning he's only 15). Plus, this was his first real fight. I think he's still not used to his spider sense. Remember what he said about his old goggles? He says that his senses are so heightened that they disorient him. So he still doesn't know how to judge and react to his spider sense properly. This Peter is a very young whippersnapper. He'll be more experienced in no time. He impressed though.

"Queens." "Brooklyn."

3926988 I still enjoyed Batman V. Superman, but it had so many flaws that prevented it from being a great film. Really, it's ironic. Look at the movies. Literally everything that BvS did wrong, Civil War did right. BvS felt like a prequel and not its own movie, pretty much like how ASM 2 felt like a prequel to what was going to be the Sinister Six.

BvS had the potential to be an amazing movie, but it's an absolute mess due to silly mistakes. It was the Dark Knight Returns, Justice League, Wonder Woman, Batman, and the Death of Superman thrown into a blender haphazardly. Plus, Superman was a minor character in his own movie.



3927051 Oh, God. Don't get me started on that.

"What? Did we suddenly become best friends?"


It was the Dark Knight Returns, Justice League, Wonder Woman, Batman, and the Death of Superman thrown into a blender haphazardly. Plus, Superman was a minor character in his own movie.

Funny you should mention "blender" to describe BvS. One of my favorite webcomic artists, jollyjack (creator of Sequential Art) made this after seeing BvS. It's actually scarily/hilariously (scilariosly?) on the money.

I was yet to saw it because I'm too busy with works with aunt and the zoom is a bit too bad.

But I have a feeling like you guys that is must be one heck awesome movie!

Agreed. This is now my 2nd favorite MCU movie next to The Avengers. :yay:

One thing I loved about the movie is that the stakes are "smaller" than the typical massive-collateral-damage-set-pieces approach that most superhero movies take, but much of the conflict is a deconstruction of the before-mentioned approach and the smaller stakes means more room for characterization to shine.

In many ways, the movie is two halves: One half is the sequel to Captain America: The Winter Soldier where Steve Rogers is trying to deal with a new world while salvaging what's left of his old one as the story builds up to and then explodes into the other half which is essentially "Avengers 2.5" and truly earns the title Civil War. It's also FAR superior to the comic book source material as all these characters have undergone character development in the dozen-plus movies of the MCU so no there's no unnecessary-character-derailment-for-the-sake-of-conflict here.

BTW; These movies are what I would consider "Minimum System Requirements" given how you will be completely lost if you just go into ''Captain America: Civil War'' without ever seeing another Marvel movie before;
-The Avengers: Establishes each Avenger's personality, backstory, and traits
-Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Establishes Cap's views and the Winter Soldier
-Avengers: Age of Ultron: Follow-up to The Avengers that establishes new characters while directly setting up the events of this movie.

I couldn't agree more! It was a great movie! :pinkiehappy:

I was really torn apart seeing the Avengers disassembled into two sides and seeing Steve and Tony's friendship strained. I was initially for Team Cap but I was also conflicted because Tony still feels guilty in his part from the events of 'Age of Ultron' and I could understand why he supported the accords for the government to keep the heroes in check. I would've side with Team Iron Man if it wasn't for the way they handled things like keeping Wanda confined to Avengers Base against her wishes and locking up the heroes sided with Cap as if they were villains. It makes me wonder how this will all be resolved once Phase 3 reaches "Avengers: Infinity War" when Thanos finally steps out of the shadows.
Black Panther and Spider-Man really stole the spotlight in this! Black Panther showing the noble charisma of a king and the savage ferocity of a warrior and Spider-Man being the young inexperienced newcomer who only just started being a hero and is still learning how to use his powers and gets thrown into the big leagues. Tom Holland is so far the best live action Spidey I've ever seen and I can't wait to see how much further his portrayal will go in "Spider-Man: Homecoming".

As for "Batman v Superman", as much as I agree that film has many faults in it, ones in particular such as Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor, the lack of development between Batman and Superman's interaction and their rivalry and their motivation for fighting each other (mainly Superman's) and the way this feels more like a prologue to the Justice League movie as DC seems desperate to catch up to it unlike how Marvel proceeded with MCU Phase 1 all the way to Avengers and the fact that Superman was killed off too early after only one movie when they could've saved that for the next entries), I frankly enjoyed the movie regardless seeing it has some redeeming qualities. Ben Affleck's performance as Batman was really impressive, the action sequences (the Batmobile chase, Warehouse fight and the Batman/Superman fight) were enjoyable with some pretty decent effects along with Han Zimmer and Junkie XL's score really setting the tune and Wonder Woman (despite having only a short and not so important role) really stole the spotlight in the climax. I can only hope Suicide Squad fairs better.

3927037 I still loved the movie. Also I really enjoyed Amazing spider-man 2 so no complaints here.

3928614 Again, not trying to sway your opinion. I like both BvS and AMS2, but they're both very flawed movies. BvS did so much wrong that it hurt itself. Really, the best thing to come out of BvS was Ben Afflack's portrayal of Batman, and that he'll be directing the solo movie. Superman (although I love his character) is a joyless entity that never smiles in the recent movie series.

3928985 I'm not trying to sway anyones opinion either. I'm just stating MY opinion. Not an objective fact. For example I loved both films. However the hightlight of the film for me was Spidey. Once he was out of the picture my excitement suddenly died down alot. Though I am glad he got the amount of screen time that he did. Every second that he was in was perfect. Though it's different with BvS because I never lost excitement when it came to all the awesome moments the two title characters got. So all in all I thought both movies were great. One just had much more adrenaline rush overall to me.

It's just as you say. Civil War is AWESOME! The action, the story, the characters, they're all in top form.


Superman (although I love his character) is a joyless entity that never smiles in the recent movie series.

Honestly, does anyone put on a genuine smile at any point during either Man of Steel or Batman v Superman? I've gotta say, my biggest complaint with Bats v Supes was just how... dreary and joyless it was. It was so grim that it left me feeling empty afterwards. I know people often rag on that movie for the plot holes, the vague motivaions, and other various and sundry things, but the overly dark and joyless tone is my entire problem with that flick.

In fact, I'm reminded of something that a great woman once said:

"Maybe it's just me, but I'm not crazy about super hero stories where everything's all dark and moody. Personally, I like the ones where good guys fight giant apes on the moon and stuff. Remember those? I do. That was back when comic book worlds were places you wanted to escape to... not from."
-Doreen Green

It was so awesome, I loved the new Spider-man, but I wish I could see the proto suit

Gotta say a few things.

I liked the movie a lot, it's one of the best superhero movies I've seen. The big fight scene between the two sides was so awesome to watch, all the heroes had their great moments. I'm a little disappointed it wasn't that much like the comics, the only thing from the original comic being the fact that Iron Man and Captain America disagreed on the Registration Act, everything else seemed a little different.

I also gotta say, I loved seeing Spider-Man alongside the rest of the Avengers, it's the first time in a quite a while I could enjoy seeing Spider-Man in a movie. His character was awesome as well, he had so many funny moments. The only other character that was probably just as funny as Spider-Man was Ant Man, those two could make some good comedic moments in the future.

Come to think of it both have some things in common, both are insect based heroes, humorous, and were both surprises to the opposite side. No one on Iron Man's team knew who Ant Man was, no one on Cap's team knew who Spider-Man was. They both handled themselves pretty well I would say.

Black Panther was also cool to see, I really liked the character, plus he was so awesome to watch fight. He's gonna make a great addition to the Avengers as well. Looks like we'll be seeing more about him soon, great to see him get some exposure, he fit very well in this movie.

Comparing it to Batman vs. Superman, I will say the movie did a better job at pacing itself, plus this movie at least had more humor too. Batman vs. Superman had probably one joke, Civil War had like several, most of them from Spider-Man and Ant Man alone. Granted both movies had their flaws. Batman vs. Superman had to spend a lot of time developing Batman's character, he probably should have gotten a solo movie prior to this, though considering this is his second reboot maybe that's why they decided to just to it now. Putting Wonder Woman in there just seemed a little unneeded (though it was still cool to see). Plus those cameos of The Flash and the other heroes seemed a little odd as well.

The fact that this movie is introducing Black Panther and Spider-Man into this Universe seemed odd at first but I think they handled it well. Spider-Man also is in his second reboot so he probably didn't need a movie that much, though his inclusion did seem random. I won't complain, I'm glad he was in as long as he was. He and Ant Man really made the movie much better for me, not to say I didn't enjoy the stuff with Cap, Iron Man, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch and the others.

But I enjoyed both anyway, both major fight scenes in the two movies were satisfying to watch, both had their flaws (one had too much set-up to the fight, the other had a plot that took some unneeded turns), but I say that they both were some of the best superhero movies in recent memory.

3926692 That's the thing. I liked BvS, but I didn't love it. There were so many flaws in it. I wanted to love it, but I couldn't it. Batflack was the the best thing about the movie.

4344128 welp, Flare did it. So now I'm gonna do it.


4344238 "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!?!" :flutterrage:

Jeez.... I hated that. I mean, I get what they were trying to do, but it was SO contrived that it turned into a punchline. :facehoof:

4344315 I know. As much as I liked that movie, I nearly stood up and yelled "oh, come on!"

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