• Member Since 7th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen February 22nd

The REAL Mister Pkmn

I'm a guy, and I was born the year the Pokémon company came into being, so yeah. Trixie is best pony, Luna is best Princess, Rainbow is best Mane 6 member, and Starlight is best reformed villain.

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Moment of truth · 11:02pm Apr 30th, 2016

So in my last blog, I said I'd voice what I thought of today's episode. Well, a promise is a promise, so buckle in.

"No Second Prances"
Ok, first off, the title of this episode. It's standing in for the common phrase: No Second Chances. But, isn't that a bit hypocritical? I mean, the show gave second chances to all the major villains (save Tirek) that have popped up. Heck, the main focus of the episode is on Starlight Gimmer, one of the villains that was given a second chance. It seems Princess Twilight has a bit of a double standard, doesn't it? Starlight starts off by ignoring Twilight's new lesson altogether. Why does she need to know how to set a table perfectly without magic anyway? It seems to have no use for her friendship lessons. And why did she reference the time she was evil? Was that to make a point about the hypocrisy of the title? If so, I noticed that already. Watching Starlight's over-reliance on magic is quite amusing- Wait. Was that the whole purpose of the set table without magic thing? It makes more sense now. And Rarity and Dash trying to force Starlight to change certain aspects about herself doesn't seem like something a true friend would do. Then again, what would I know about friendships? I have none. Back to what's important, though. The "stop stressing" yell made me laugh. Seeing her go to Aloe and Lotus seemed pointless... Until I heard her converse with somepony I've ached to see again. Sure, I was uncertain if it was her at first, even if the voice was right. Them connecting over their similarities was a good move. Who is this pony? Before they officially show her to us (annoying, since I'm certain that anyone with sense has already guessed that it's Trixie), They cut to Twilight setting the table without magic. Booooriiing! After the idiotic line about silverware placement, the moment of truth arrives as Starlight rushes in saying that she's made a new friend. If you uncertain before, Starlight practically bludgeons us over the head with the hints "great" and "powerful." And the reveal is amazing as Trixie (*High-pitch fanboy squeal*) cuts off Starlight's introduction by saying: "Hello, Princess." Twilight's reaction is priceless as well. Starlight is surprised at the fact that Twilight and Trixie know each other, and Twilight's response really confuses me, seeing as the last time they saw each other in the show, they were on good terms. Seems they're trying to shove the cannoness of the comics down our throats. Trixie's announcement of the apology tour surprised me at first, but in retrospect many fans may see it as overdue. Twilight's mistrust of Trixie irks me, seeing as Twilight never had her friends appologize to Trixie for ruining her show. The silverware and napkin in the shape of Trixie is priceless. Twilight'so eye roll at the display of ego seems to say: "Why am I not surprised?" The scene with Trixie setting up her stage is a bit sad after the murmuring ponies pop up, seeing as she then says: "Everypony says they'll give you a second chance, but deep down, they never forget." This is as true in fiction and reality, sadly. Starlight voicing her worries about everypony in Ponyville finding out about what she did is a nice moment too. Starlight accepting Trixie because they have had similar experience makes a lot of sense, too. Trixie then tells Starlight a secret. In hindsight, Trixie's jealousy of Twilight has probably been obvious to fans for years, myself included, but I think the reveal to Starlight is well done. Seeing two former villains bond over what they did is pretty cool as well. Twilight butting in is very unappreciated by me, though. Twilight's attempt to replace Starlight's budding friendship with Trixie is utterly appalling. Does she have no shame? At least Starlight calls her out on it. Props. Even if Twilight tries to twist it. I think I now hate Twilight. And then she has the gall to say that "she's just trying to look out for her." Ugh. Just let her be friends with somebody that gets her situation, dang it! Twilight shouldn't have said the "kind of what I'm afraid of" line. Bad move. If I were in Starlight's place, I would be seething in rage at that line. Starlight appreciates Twilight's "help," but just wants to make her own friends. Put it to her! (I think Starlight is now my #3 fave pony, behind Luna and, of course, Trixie.) Then the whopper line drops: "Wow, Trixie was right. You really aren't giving her a second chance! I wonder what that says about how you feel about me." D---. Shots fired. Twilight looks down (obviously regretting her stupid words), then swish to Crankey feeding some birds while sitting on a bench. Is it just me, or is he glaring at Twilight in disappointment? Nope, but Twilight instantly tries to divert Starlight towards him. Wow. How low can you go? Anyway, cut to the better person, Trixie! Starlight tries to tell Trixie that she's better than Twilight at stage magic to which Trixie-and everyone in the audience- agrees. But she then reveals that there is one trick she can still not pull off: The Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive. I'd pay good money to see that. Apparently, only her hero, Hoofdini (yes, Manehattanverse, your representation of Houdini is cannon now), could ever pull it off. Blasting one's self into the mouth of a hungry Manticore? I trust that there's some kind of trick to survive? Probably a trapdoor. Starlight seems to like the idea. Seeing Starlight offer to help Trixie is very nice. Starlight's idea of using a spell to save Trixie last-minute is brilliant! Starlight venting about Twilight's sorry, irritating self, is well done. Trixie's lament about the dumb dinner (seriously, Starlight should ditch that thing) being on the same night as her show pulled my heartstrings. But I'm certain Starlight will make the morally correct choice. Twilight's worry over Starlight not being at the dinner makes me laugh. Serves her right. Celestia is unamused. Twilight. *draws in a deep breath* You're still trying to make new friends for her!?!? Have you learned nothing?!? *clears throat* I'm okay now. Celestia is still unamused. Maybe she knows Twilight is lying through her teeth. Twilight should be punished for that. Oop. Once Cranky speaks up, it all goes a bit downhill. Twilight laughs off what Cranky said, but Celestia looks even more unamused at this farce. Twilight then goes out to check the town. I wonder if Celestia then summoned some food for the others and sent them home. Seeing Trixie's show sends Twilight into a fit. Don't you dare ruin another one of her shows! Trixie. I didn't want to say this, but... You done goofed. Saying that you "won" wasn't your best idea. Still love ya, though. Starlight running away at this slip of the toungue is sad, but... It'll be okay, won't it? Trixie putting on a brave face to try and fool Twilight is so like her. I hope that Twilight realizes that she should try and fix their friendship, or so help me...! And, like the true show-pony she is, Trixie continues on with the show anyway, even though her final act is life-risking. Talk about dedication. Her intro... Don't put yourself down like this, Trixie! We still love you! Twilight finally gets it! I believe that she should have learned this lesson much sooner. Trixie's appeal to "be great and powerful together" to Starlight... :fluttercry: Let the feels flow! We all knew Trixie'd survive! (Such is the law of a kid's show) Twilight appologize get to Trixie... Eh, I guess I'll accept it as an apology from her friends, too (for now). Cut to the dinner, where the ice sculpture has melted to almost nothing. I guess I was wrong about Celestia sending the others home. And here I'd gained a modicum of respect for Celestia. So it ends shortly after that, implying that Twilight, Trixie, and Starlight never made it to the dinner. It's so good to see Trixie again after such a long time. I hope she gets more episodes in the future :heart:. The one to learn a lesson here is Twilight, and that lesson is: Trust those you guide to make wise decisions. Or was it something else? Bah, whatever. The main thing is that Trixie is back! (Perhaps to stay, too.) And yes, You might've noticed by now (through pure bludgeoning on the head) that Trixie is my favorite pony. It's a reason I try to draw as much attention to her as I can when I write her character. (This'll be more apparent after I put up more fics that involve her. And, for those of you that are curious, I do plan on writing quite a few fics set in my two main alt. universes that focus on her in the future.) Well, that's all from me for now!

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