• Member Since 29th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen May 10th

Queen of Fools

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11pm Musings. (Ladylike title enough?) · 4:15am Apr 28th, 2016

Well, no that I am physically capable of talking without crying like the little girl I never got to be, I figured I should actually start bloging with some sense of regularity. Maybe then I could actually make some progress towards getting those 1,000 followers that I just now decided that I wanted. So from now on I am going to try to post a blog once a day. Mostly these will be simple tangent about whatever happens to be on my mind. But if I have a topic I want to address, or a poem I want to showcase, or a movie review I feel like typing up, I'll do that.

But in all honesty, I'm probably not going to update as often as I like, since most of what I think about is kinky sexy sex stuff and the various way I can achieve an orgasm.

As a transgender, people ask me what I think of the Bathroom Fiasco. To those people I say: I don't use public bathrooms. I know it seems like an overly simple answer to such a topical question, but it's the truth.

The fact that I'm not political seems to surprise people. It's as if just because I belong to the Lgbt acronym means that I have to be an activist and write colomns for a University paper. I'm not and I don't. This is partly because I have a better country to fall back too if Trump gets elected (Thank you Mother Canada). But the bigger and better reason I don't talk politics is because I only have the barest understanding of how politics work. I know that Cruz is evil, Trump is a racist and the Daily Show is hilarious. That's about it.

Well, glad I got that out of the way. Now let's talk more Bronies.


Bronies are weird.

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Comments ( 21 )

I rather like your plan. Being Trans myself, I just use the one I look like, and ignore people. I would just not use public restrooms, but I work tech support, so...not an option to just hold it for 9 hours.

And whether Trump or Clinton wins, Australia seems nice enough. And, with all the dangerous animals, just like home here in AZ.

HEY!! You have no right to say that I'm weird, you don't know a thing about me. How I chose to run down the street waving wiffle bats around shouting about the upcoming revolution, and how the government is using our clothes to control our minds.

... On second thought you have me pinned down rather well. Though I don't think weird is a strong enough word to describe me.

3901749 happy crying. I'm married and we got three kittens.

3901754 Canada 4 Lyf. But srsly, Australia is a nice place.

3901761 I know man. I know.

Also, my next blog will be detailing how and Y I don't like Discord.

Cue the Rage.

3901773 You don't sound happy.

3901781 I am. I'm just a hopeless internet cynic. If you saw me in real life, you'd say. "Jesus woman, calm the fuck down and stop jumping on the bed."

3901789 Buck! If FOUND any women jumping on my bed I would thank EVERTHING LOL

That or 3901781 might join you in jumping on the bed. After all how else do you test the bed springs?

3901801 'After all how else do you test the bed springs?' Well I can think of one other thing.:raritystarry:


3901781 Sorry bade. As exciting as your avatar is, there will now only be one person doing any bed jumping with me.

And of course, by bed jumping, I mean sex.

3901808 Oh well if it's going to be like that then I volunteer. My only request is that you leave at the least one of my legs or arms unbroken, gonna need some way to leave when it's all said and done.


Do the two of you need to be alone together?

3901874 Mostly a bit of humorous banter I felt would keep all parties entertained, didn't think it would go anywhere past a few laughs.

3901773 I know. And, the best part about Australia is I can find all the same Stupidly Deadly creatures I already have at home here, plus a whole zoo of new ones. (Oh how I love living in the only part of the world that even remotely compares to the Outback in sheer toxicity of the animals. Rabid canines, wild pigs, scorpions the size of my hand, snakes that like to crawl all over you when you're camping. Oh, and the heat that fuses palm to steering wheel in the late spring.)

3901830 Never said I would let you leave. We could just spend the rest of time testing bed springs.

3902374 Well then, if that is what you want. Then that is what you will get.

3902469 Oh is that what we're talking about? I thought we were talking about testing bed springs.

Bronies ARE weird.

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