• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen April 5th


More Blog Posts95

  • 305 weeks
    finally back

    ok it has been a few years and i mean along time. i am back with stuff i will be posting more stories and i will be writing more as well. i am in a spot where i can do so i will finish twilight's strip club adventure before moving on to darkside. i am going to need an editor cause doing it alone will be to hard and with that i will be possibly working soon i won't be writing often. i will do

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    0 comments · 370 views
  • 396 weeks
    time to shine

    i am back with a big project in the works here and as a book series irl gong to be an original story and possibly several books as wll. i can say darkside of equestria is going strong as well and i plan to have several chapters done before continue. also going to be getting a tablet soon so i can write from there and send it to myself via email as well.

    i shall keep everypony posted

    0 comments · 348 views
  • 432 weeks

    Silver Starshine

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  • 433 weeks
    Cheyenne brony group

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1583738258605588/ for those in Wyoming or Cheyenne or more come join

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  • 433 weeks
    Cheyenne Brony Bash

    looking for people who know the con scene or have helped with cons before if anyone who can help id appercaite it

    skype is shadowfox2022

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Cheyenne Brony Bash · 10:23pm Apr 4th, 2016

looking for people who know the con scene or have helped with cons before if anyone who can help id appercaite it

skype is shadowfox2022

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