• Member Since 1st Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen January 15th


MLP helped me find my muse in Oct. 2014 after 6 years without it. I have a Psychology B.S. Sunset Shimmer is best pony.

More Blog Posts50

  • 64 weeks
    November 2023 update

    Well it's about darn time, wouldn't you agree? Feels good to be writing again.

    So why haven't I been writing? A multitude of reasons, but I'll talk about the big ones.

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    2 comments · 134 views
  • 237 weeks
    "Always Had" is Officially COMPLETED

    It's been almost two years since the last chapter of Always Had was published. This whole time it's been marked as "Incomplete", but tonight I finally decided to move forward with the next stage of the story in a separate fic and mark this one as "Complete", as Twilight's adventure of being Clover the Clever is ended and her slice of life as Clover has only just begun.

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    4 comments · 406 views
  • 296 weeks
    Gusty the Great

    1. Has a horn
    2. Has wavy hair that seems to flow even when there's no wind
    3. Apparently flew away from Mt. Everhoof before teleporting away

    I'm calling it now: Gusty's an alicorn.

    2 comments · 529 views
  • 319 weeks
    Christmas Fic

    Writing a musical is difficult.

    Hopefully I'll have it done in the next couple weeks, because I want to publish it before Christmas.

    7 comments · 324 views
  • 328 weeks
    Happy Anniversary

    On this day eight years ago, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic premiered on the Hub Network. A bunch of grown men decided to watch it as a joke, and then realized that it was actually a pretty good show. Very quickly, bronies came into the forefront of media for defying societal expectation that grown men aren't supposed to enjoy things marketed to young girls.

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    0 comments · 435 views

"Always Had" Chapter 5 · 4:46pm Dec 27th, 2015

The title of this is more to give you readers an idea when I wrote it, rather than a commentary about chapter 5, although there will be some of that here as well.

Almost two hours before I posted this blog, I posted the fifth chapter of "Always Had", in which Star Swirl and Twilight go shopping and in which Twilight starts being called Clover the Clever. It's also the chapter that I got my first dislike on this story, and two comments stating that they're neutral about the particular chapter.

One comment said that they were too interested in the story to stop reading, and I took that to mean I'm doing my job right. The fandom, I've found has come to terms with Twilight as an alicorn. It accepts time travel as a thing that exists within MLP canon, even if they might not understand it and the paradoxes involved. We know very little about the canon characters that Twilight is meeting, which I realized when I was preparing this story, and the canon characters are more or less, as I view them, OCs. It's similar to how bronies created the character and personality of Derpy Hooves (and other background ponies), often from just a single image.

One of the theories in the fandom that the fandom seems divided on is the idea that Twilight was Clover. Some of the people who insist that she cannot be cite certain ideas, which include "She's not Clover. She was just playing a part in a play!" and (what I believe) misunderstanding the nuances of time travel. The videos posted by DRWolf001 and The Brony Notion address issues such as these, and also give other reasons why Twilight could be Clover the Clever.

Both views are valid. Both views are invalid. Unless we get an episode that goes into more detail about the first Hearth's Warming, that's all it will be: Schrodinger's validity. It's headcanon, and little more.

Regardless, one sign of a good writer is if you can jump a shark, if you can write about such controversy, or if you have a chapter or episode of lesser quality than previous work, and your readers continue to read your work. MLP has done that at least three times: when Twilight became an alicorn, when the first Equestria Girls film came out, and "Slice of Life". After all this, the fandom is still growing because we recognize that the overall quality of the franchise is still quite high.

The first two chapters were designed to set up the story I was about to tell. The third and fourth chapters were designed to create the world we know so little about canonically. From chapter five on, I'm going into the main plot, developing the world, and developing the characters. I do hope that future chapters will help those who are neutral about chapter 5 to choose whether I'm still worth following. I'll understand if they decide I'm not. I can't please everybody, after all.

This came out longer than I expected. Happy reading, and Happy New Year!

Speaking of New Year's, I'll be publishing a story on January 1st that I've been working on (off and on) since May of this year. Without giving too much of it away, it will involve Starlight Glimmer and a lot of cutie marks.

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