• Member Since 19th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 8th, 2023


A brony who also happens to be a writer. And a happy Mexican too.

More Blog Posts20

  • 335 weeks
    New Year...

    It's been a couple of years since I catched a glimpse of Zeus' world and felt the burning desire to write a part of said world, commencing with bursts of chapters, images of my characters and cross after cross... now I barely post anything. Heck, the last chapter I writed was almost a year ago!

    The saddest part is that is not only me, the whole group has gone silent.

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    7 comments · 538 views
  • 358 weeks
    Good Lord!

    I thought I would have more time to write once I make it in, but nope! I been even more busy, getting a new place, getting documents delivered, getting ready for the incoming semester...

    I am sorry for not been able to keep the story going guys, I will try bit RL seems to have its own agenda.

    5 comments · 437 views
  • 362 weeks

    Just a quick reminder, yers I am not death, but that is not the important thing.

    I finally, finally. FINALLY!

    Make it into an Univercity, well more a Technollogical but I don't care where, point is I finally passed the god damned exam!

    That's all.

    3 comments · 369 views
  • 430 weeks
    I failed


    3 comments · 491 views
  • 431 weeks
    Last try

    Last saturday was my last attempt.

    I studied like crazy, jammed as much information into my head as possible and solve problem after problem of mathematics.

    I wake up early (at 5 am), have a good breakfast, took a shower, study a bit more, and then went to the place where the exam was going to be held. The wait was surprisingly short.

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    1 comments · 406 views

I may need some help · 4:56pm Dec 4th, 2015

As of late, I have noticed that I have become a bit... angrier.

I feel rage (yes, rage, not dislike or alike, genuine rage) I feel rage build up way faster than ever before. In the past I was able to stand lots of stuff, I am very patient after all. But now, the slightest of things make me want to punch something... or rather someone. I feel like I need to destroy (not hurt) someone, anyone.

That scares me.

You see, my mother divorced my father because he also has quite an anger issue as well, and me starting to develop this isn't exactly keen on my eye.

However, whenever I try to vent out my stress on something (writing, running, screaming, beating the crap out of something not alive, etc) the damn hatred lingers on me, as it will only come out if I unleash it onto a person.

It has come to a point where even video games has made this anger build. The one thing that used to keep me calm.

I don't know what to do with this other than keep it down for now and feel sorry for the one who will have to endure all this rage.

This is only another attempt to vent my anger out, if you wanna be a nice guy and try to give me some words of help, let me give you an advice: watch your words.

Report V-Oblivion · 244 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

I actually do have something that can help you. Try searching through YouTube for videos that involve breathing exercises. I'm positive that they do exist out there.

If doesn't work, try watching episodes of the Three Stooges (if you want a list for that, I'll be happy to provide you one) so that you can laugh out your frustrations. For it is said that laughter can be the best medicine in those kind of situations.

Also, I will pray for you too, if you don't mind.

I... have anger issues too. Mine are caused by something a bit different but I can definitely sympathize. Whenever I get angry at something that normally makes me feel better I usually pull up a video or two... Usually Seananners or Sark. Sometimes Vanoss. Dunno if that would help but it's worth a shot.

maybe you could try a shooting range with some one who wont change the shot gun shells to buckshot when you aint looking

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