Plots That Span Seasons · 11:41pm Nov 22nd, 2015
I have plans for next weekend. Given that I'm one of my father's go-to sous chefs for Thanksgiving, I may not be able to fulfill them. However, with this blog setting expectations and what may be the most motivating image I've ever seen on Derpibooru driving me forward, I'm going to at least give it a try.
Seriously, if Derpikari Gendo doesn't light a fire under my rear, I don't know what will.
Oh, and on an unrelated note, thank you to everyone who commented on my blog on Thursday. Your encouragement and commiseration mean a lot.
Just so we're clear, I do not mean horse butts. There will be some horse butts, yes, but they will not be the primary focus of what I have planned.
No argument here. Clear, specific hype isn't nearly as fun.
3561764 But there will be horses, and horse butts are found in the general vicinity of horses. Barring some sort of catastrophic butt-related accident, anyway.