• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2494

  • Thursday
    "Hey, you think we can get away with this headline?"

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

    3 comments · 77 views
  • Thursday
    Tell Your Tale: Tiny Trot

    This week, we're back at the magical theme park... Again... The ponies turn themselves into foals... Again... And we've got a cutie mark poem... Again.

    My inner ageplayer should be squeeing, but we've got another week of meaningless fluff where the overall story goes nowhere.

    But at least it's a little cute, I guess.

    18 comments · 117 views
  • Tuesday
    That's the look I would have, too...

    18 comments · 237 views
  • Sunday
    Happy 10th, Avalice!

    Happy 10th anniversary to one of the best damn indie platformers ever. Of all time.

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    3 comments · 126 views
  • 1 week
    No Man's Sky 5.0

    So, Hello Games, in their typical fashion, stealth-dropped the 5.0 update to No Man's Sky today, and apparently this is just part 1, with more coming later this summer.

    All planets have dynamic wind now, with plants and grass being affected.
    Water is now volumetric, with waves that intensify during storms.
    Asteroid density has increased substantially.
    Clouds look amazing now.

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    2 comments · 152 views

Halo 5 Guardians Complete · 8:12pm Oct 27th, 2015

Because my manager is awesome, I beat Brady home by three minutes, at 11:49 pm, and we got started immediately.

We chose Heroic, and we swapped the controller each time we died. After eight hours and many swear words, we completed it around 8 am.

Wow. That ending. Sets the stage nicely for the next game.

It'll be some time before we attempt on Legendary. The Prometheans were just as annoying as ever to fight, the Knights, while less numerous, are even worse this time around, and the new Soldier has taken the worst traits of both the Crawlers and Knights: Numerous, annoying, with the ability to blink around the map. Some checkpoints are too far apart, and your AI-controlled teammates can be a bit retarded sometimes.

Hey, 343, protip, design less enemies that are just bullet sponges that require you to hit them in the back.

And don't even fucking get me started on Warden Eternal. Seriously, good luck on solo.

Still, better ending than Halo 2.

Report milesprower06 · 439 views · #halo 5
Comments ( 14 )

How I see it? The Warden Eternal is the Didact Bossfight people wanted from Halo 4.

3500741 The last one infuriated me so bad. There was no reliable way to boost out of the way of his swings, and you can't get away even at a full sprint. Then when you're downed, it was always a gamble whether your team would get to you / get ignored by them, or get roflstomped in one swing.

3500746 From what I understand it was still fun though wasn't it?

3500750 Yes, fights with the Covenant were still very fun. But some firefights, especially in the last quarter of the game, I felt, were too long.


3500763 Running around the room, grabbing every single Incineration Cannon you can find.

3500783 So... up until that last one... he is a fun boss to fight?

3500788 The others were slightly more tolerable, yes.

3500801 I just needed to know that.... now to save up a shit ton of money to get an Xbox One and Halo 5.

I'm glad not everyone hated the campaign.


Wait, what about Watchers? I actually find those flying fucking pieces of cowardly doody from Satan's gaping, burning asshole to be the most annoying enemies in video game history.

3500844 Much, MUCH less prevalent then they were in Halo 4, and a bit less cowardly it seems. They'll usually stay put and not go floating to the nearest cover.


I don 't have an XBOX One, but that's absolutely relieving to hear.

You didn't like Halo 2's ending? C'mon man, that one line made Halo 3 the most-hyped game back then.

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