• Member Since 28th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 24th, 2016


But a day shall arise. When the dark Daedra's lies, will be forever silenced. And Fair Equestira will be free of foul evils maw!

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  • 453 weeks
    Relating the work.

    Hello there everypony,
    Recently it has come to my attention that some may not know exactly what some of my imagination creates based on what I have seen. Here is a thing to pretty well, try and give you all an idea of what I was thinking when I made the Hell scene from my book The Lost is Found

    1 comments · 399 views
  • 455 weeks
    [no title]

    Okay this is getting to me.

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    3 comments · 408 views
  • 464 weeks
    I am gonna say this probably more than once

    Okay. I see a lot of clop out there and way to go. But...to tell you the truth if you wanna tell it right you got to do and and well...while I may not have gone and fucked Twilight Sparkle I have had sex with equines and let me say this...none of you all know shit about clop. Ponder this for awhile. If I get negative blowback so be it.

    2 comments · 342 views
  • 465 weeks
    Simple comment

    Please comment below if in the war between the Solar Empire and the New Lunar Republic you side with the Solar Empire. I am in the Solar Empire and I am a Solaris Pretoris or Elite Protector.

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  • 469 weeks
    A very strange one I am.

    Now I imagine that you may know by now...sometimes I make no sense. But this dream I had last night I think tops it all. I had a dream myself, Charlie Barkins and Ichy Ichoford beat the shit out of Walt Disney. Why you may ask? Because he was making Minnie Mouse get naked for him so he could draw her completely. But she was crying as she did not want to but he...being the one he is makes her

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Bottomless story. · 2:02pm Oct 16th, 2015

I think that I failed to mention something a little special in my story The Lost is Found. It is going to be a bottomless story. Meaning that it will never end cause I am always having new experiences in Equis and evil will never fully be vanquished. I have no intention of ever stopping this story cause it is a way for me to tell how...my experiences are playing out. I have no knowledge of canon outside of season 3 besides Tirek and Twilight ascending and that is how I am going to stay. This blog post may upset others but I have just began to think that Faust had nothing to do with this and she is only drawing a world that is already real and that Hasbro is just doing that in her absence. Either way I know that what I take as canon is what I experience and write so...to hell with all the other shit. This may have turned to a rant but I am for real. I also do not view Twilight as an Alicorn no matter how many tell me she is! As stated...my canon is what I follow.

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