Bottomless story. · 2:02pm Oct 16th, 2015
I think that I failed to mention something a little special in my story The Lost is Found. It is going to be a bottomless story. Meaning that it will never end cause I am always having new experiences in Equis and evil will never fully be vanquished. I have no intention of ever stopping this story cause it is a way for me to tell experiences are playing out. I have no knowledge of canon outside of season 3 besides Tirek and Twilight ascending and that is how I am going to stay. This blog post may upset others but I have just began to think that Faust had nothing to do with this and she is only drawing a world that is already real and that Hasbro is just doing that in her absence. Either way I know that what I take as canon is what I experience and write hell with all the other shit. This may have turned to a rant but I am for real. I also do not view Twilight as an Alicorn no matter how many tell me she is! As canon is what I follow.