Changeling [Breeding] Drone Audio Test · 7:36am Sep 25th, 2015
Been wanting to mess around with this for probably a year, but what exactly does a Breeding Drone sound like?
Apparently like Lenny Kravitz.
I've built up about half the effects audio in the last... four hours. And my back hurts.
Enjoy. Mental image is cinematic opening/introduction as this crazy singing drone flies out of the Everfree along the river and into Ponyville proper after camping out in a glade. And if his voice wasn't a hella' loud, his wings sure are. Enough to wake Rainbow Dash from a cloud nap.
I sincerely hope this post means an upcoming update. I am bubbling with anticipation to know what the great admiral has written next.
Took me a few awkward seconds to realize you were just referring to the caste and not the act of breeding.
Would definitely be an unfortunate and awkward interpretation of the title. And the implication does not elude me. I simply don't care, and I'm catering to those who already know what I'm talking about.
The rotor sounds might fit - the turbine ones seem weird.
3418431 Took me a few seconds as well.
Oh wow,admiral is making audio porn now.
Pity that he has not updated the changeling story. For a year now
wink wink nudge nudge
My thoughts exactly!
Helicopter rotors sound a lot like a big bug, though a bit too regular. I have no idea where the turbine spooling up noise or turbine whine would come from on the guy unless he was using his voice to make cool sound effects as he sang.
Kind of hard to get rotors without a turbine hiding in it. Especially at random.
Though, then again. Rainbow Dash spends half her time sounding like an F-16 sped up, with formula one engines layered on it in places.
3418888 fair point, though for me that just ends up registering as an audio cue that she's going fast without actually being what I imagine she sounds like. Then again, with the wing size and the widely suspected flight magic, maybe that's exactly what she would sound like
All the same, I'da clipped off the first little bit to get rid of the spooling and then run the rest through a filter to get rid of the high frequency whine
I have no idea what this whole thing is about =\
This is amazingly bizzare.
It takes some context and perspective.
If ponies are 'jets', then changelings are 'helicopters'.
So in a way, I'm thinking this custom changeling 'noble' or 'breeding' drone concept:
Should sound like this:
Because this drone type is larger (closer to Chrissy's size) and has more AND larger wings. And to be honest, the generic flying sound used in canon for changelings doesn't do that wing-size justice. (Should at LEAST sound like a large box fan or small propeller engine MINIMUM)
And I'm dinking around making 'cinematic' audio arrangements, just without any imagery. It's all in the audio... which the link is just a test.
So... Breeding drones... Do they take a changeling queen inside for the night to go out for dinner? Nom! ♡♡♡
And like Lenny Kravitz, do breeding drones also rock out with their cock out?
I'm disappointed with this audio no offense. It's just a 90s song ble ded with a few helicopter effects. What am I missing here?
3418955 Nice profile picture
3833716 oh hey, thanks!
It's the fox fur nebula, got it from here
Yours is cool too!
3838597 I just looked up stars in Google image and picked the third one.