• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 20th, 2021


Don't you have somewhere better to be?

More Blog Posts6

  • 325 weeks
    Forgive me, for I am sleepy

    Next chapter of Rendezvous is all written. Will edit and publish it tomorrow. Wanted to publish it tonight, but that's not going to happen because it's super late and I have an early morning meeting at work tomorrow. I was already falling asleep at my desk yesterday, so I really should have gone to bed hours ago.

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    2 comments · 515 views
  • 326 weeks
    Switcheroo Entries!

    So I've finally started to make good on that promise to publish 50K words by year's end. Took my sweet time, too.

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    0 comments · 366 views
  • 342 weeks
    Oh boy, let's see how much I can overreach

    Everybody knows that New Year's resolutions don't work. But hey, they can't hurt, right?

    I'm going to do a dumb thing and make a promise on the internet. It is as follows: By the end of the year, I plan to double the wordcount I have published here on my Fimfic account. Rounding it up to a nice, even number gives us 50,000. No sweat, eh?

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    11 comments · 517 views
  • 467 weeks
    I Wrote a Blogpost for One Man's Pony Ramblings

    Exactly what it says on the tin, folks.

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  • 471 weeks
    Hi new followers! + Old Coot retrospective

    So, this is something I'd usually like to do on people's individual userpages, but I was afraid I'd miss someone. So have it all in one go:

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I Wrote a Blogpost for One Man's Pony Ramblings · 6:37am Aug 14th, 2015

Exactly what it says on the tin, folks.

If you haven't heard of One Man's Pony Ramblings, it's a blog run by the amazingly talented Chris that reviews pony-related stories three times a week. It's been going for a while now, so there are literally hundreds of story reviews there. Check it out; you'll definitely find something worth reading!

Anyways, Chris was gracious enough to let me be one of his guest columnists while he's away on vacation, so I took the chance to talk a little about how characters tick, and how you can build on an existing character without sounding OOC. If any of you are interested in that sort of deal, head over here to read about Motivation and Expression.

Take care, everyone!

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