ATTENTION DISPLACE!! Numbers attack! · 6:07pm Jul 19th, 2015
While I am working on my other displace fics I also started chapter 3 of Dark Magic Attack and that when I got a idea. Where Cupcake Rainbow Dash by a slip up or under a trance open a gate that frees the number card monsters from Yu-gi-oh Zexal. Those Numbers go out and enter other Equestria ones with the Displace in them to cause chaos. If you like this idea let me know.
guess so actually mind If I link this to the displaced thread?
Sure go ahead.
Well I was hoping Mephiles summons Zorc, but I think a number will do.
3251941 Yeah I thought the numbers would a nice wild card for a displace to deal with.
Mind if one of mine summons Utopia?
3261193 Sorry but I call dips on Utopia. How about using Number 96 Dark Mist?
3262113 k
Two things. One: Thanks for the favorite on IoS. Second: Interesting idea. I'd like to see that.
3285010 Working on it.
I was hoping you were free for a crossover. A sorceress has your token and if it's possible to call Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon. I will say this mephiles has a good control over dark monsters.
3326875 sure sent me link where we write the crossover.