View/bet on Season 6 finale (spoilers) · 11:11pm Oct 7th, 2016
Saw the season 6 finale. It was very good. But there a few problems with it. Chrysalis had got away and Celestia isn't having her hunted down. That twice the Changeling Ex-Queen has gotten away. They could of capture her while she was down but no they let her escape so she can plan her revenge against Starlight Glimmer. The other thing is that how the hell did the Mane Six (special Twilight Sparkle), Spike and Prince and Princess's get kidnapped so easily? Did the Changelings get them with their pants down or something. I surprise they didn't get any trouble for being kidnapped that easily. I hope they do get some trouble from the nobles and other ponies in season 7.
I mean if I was a pony in Equestria and that happen. I would start to question if the Princess's are still fit to rule us and if the Mane Six are still fit to protected us. I can see that the ponies both Equestria and the Crystal Empire would lose faith in their rulers and protecters.
So my bet is they would get some backlash from this in season 7 or there going to fanfics of this happening.
Away that view on Season 6 Finale.
But the question is why was the finale aired early in the UK? Easter Eggs maybe.
"I mean if I was a pony in Equestria and that happen. I would start to question if the Princess's are still fit to rule us and if the Mane Six are still fit to protected us. I can see that the ponies both Equestria and the Crystal Empire would lose faith in their rulers and protecters."
Ohh my OC has been questioning that in my fic for a very long time. His reaction upon reaching that point will be along the lines of "Oh come ON!"
4245246 Yeah and that was second time Cadance was kidnapped by them.
Thanks for the favorite!
As for season finale, well, consider; she isn't *that* dangerous on her own. She probably couldn't get all the intel needed to replace a beloved pony, especially not with the Changeling kingdom as their allies, and without that power she's just a trumped up, bug-winged unicorn. Also, now they can do a better redemption storyline =p
4276106 Ture but I want to see them get some trouble
4276168 I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it, but consider;
Discord deserves to be locked in stone, forever.
Sunset Shimmer deserves to be locked in jail for life.
Starlight Glimmer deserves to be stripped of her magic.
Yet, each of them was given mercy, and each of them seems to be making the best of it.
4276179 I was talking about the mane six and Princess
4276180 Why do you wanna see the Mane Six and the Princess get more trouble? They'd been cocooned up all day already.
4276194 They was only cocooned because they got kidnapped too easily. I want to see them get in trouble by nobles and normal Ponies for this.
Think about it. How many times did Celestia get kidnapped or beaten? And this the second time the mane six got overpowered and capture too easily.
4277259 Kidnapped too easily? They're magic, shapeshifting bugs, and they had the element of surprise. Get any one of the Mane Six, alone in their rooms, asleep... Yes, it's very easy to take them out, one by one, in a single night.
4277274 Still The Mane Six are very close friends to each other. So they should be able to tell if something was off. Specially Twilight since she was able to tell that something was off about Cadance at the wedding.
4277281 I don't think so; they don't have a psychic link or anything, and the disguise wouldn't need to hold up for long before they got the drop on them.
4277290 Even if the Mane Six get in trouble for this. But the Princess's should get in trouble.
My theory (in one of my posts) is that for the mane 6 is that they were kidnapped all at once, at night, in there sleep. After all Twilight castle is empty and ungaurded, and the rest of the mane cast is no better. As for the other princess's....
I got nothing!
4489010 Maybe the guards was being useless as always.
4489030 Maybe.
4489045 yeah